Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN80.B7 M3 Yankee reformers in the urban age. 1
HN80.B7 M3 1966 Yankee reformers in the urban age : social reform in Boston, 1880-1900 / 1
HN80.B7 M66 2012 Engaging Strangers : Civil Rites, Civic Capitalism, and Public Order in Boston. 1
HN80.B7 M66 2013 Engaging strangers : civil rites, civic capitalism, and public order in Boston / 1
HN80.B7 P43 1985 The web of progress : private values and public styles in Boston and Charleston, 1828-1843 / 2
HN80.B7 R87 1990 Political organizing in grassroots politics / 2
HN80.B7 S63 2004eb Villa Victoria : the transformation of social capital in a Boston barrio / 1
HN80.B7 S76 The forging of an aristocracy : Harvard & the Boston upper class, 1800-1870 / 2
HN80.B7 T44 1973  
HN80.B7 T45 The other Bostonians; poverty and progress in the American metropolis, 1880-1970.
The other Bostonians : poverty and progress in the American metropolis, 1880-1970.
HN80.B7 T45 1973 E-book The other Bostonians poverty and progress in the American metropolis, 1880-1970 / 1
HN80.B7 W3 Streetcar suburbs : the process of growth in Boston, 1870-1900. 1
HN80.B7 W3 1978eb Streetcar suburbs : the process of growth in Boston, 1870-1900 / 1
HN80.B7 W32 The way we really live : social change in metropolitan Boston since 1920 : lectures delivered for the National Endowment for the Humanities, Boston Public Library, Learning Library Program / 2
HN80.B856 The world in Brooklyn : gentrification, immigration, and ethnic politics in a global city / 1
HN80.B856 H45 2016 The Brooklyn nobody knows : an urban walking guide / 1
HN80.B87 D66 1993 The Ville : cops and kids in urban America / 1
HN80 .B87 D66 1993  
HN80.B9 H83 1986 Politics in context : assimilation and conflict in urban neighborhoods / 1
HN80.B9H83 HN80.B9H83 1986 Politics in Context : Assimilation and Conflict in Urban Neighborhoods. 1