Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN80.B9 S48 Reformers in search of yesterday : Buffalo in the 1890's / 1
HN80.C32 R66 2021 Toward Camden / 1
HN80.C36 H84 1995 Upstate Arcadia : landscape, aesthetics, and the triumph of social differentiation in America / 2
HN80.C43 G65 2016 Charleston and the emergence of middle-class culture in the revolutionary era / 1
HN80.C5 A6 A neighborhood finds itself. 1
HN80.C5 A64 1990 After Alinsky : community organizing in Illinois / 1
HN80.C5 B33 2004 Building the South Side : urban space and civic culture in Chicago, 1890-1919 / 1
HN80.C5 B413 Swedes in Chicago. : A demographic and social study of the 1846-1880 immigration / 1
HN80.C5 B73 Growing up with a city / 1
HN80.C5 B76 1987 The damndest radical : the life and world of Ben Reitman, Chicago's celebrated social reformer, hobo king, and whorehouse physician / 1
HN80.C5 C54 1987 Chicago : race, class, and the response to urban decline / 1
HN80.C5 C55 Chicago : transformations of an urban system / 1
HN80.C5 C57 1966 The people vs. the system, a dialogue in urban conflict : proceedings / 1
HN80.C5 D63 2020 Us versus them : race, crime, and gentrification in Chicago neighborhoods / 1
HN80.C5 D85 1998 Challenging Chicago : coping with everyday life, 1837-1920 / 1
HN80.C5 F58 Black power/white control : the struggle of the Woodlawn Organization in Chicago / 1
HN80.C5 F58 1973eb Black power/white control : the struggle of the Woodlawn Organization in Chicago / 1
HN80.C5 H85 Symbolic communities : the persistence and change of Chicago's local communities / 2
HN80.C5 K43 2003 Working-class heroes : protecting home, community, and nation in a Chicago neighborhood / 1
HN80.C5 K43 2003eb Working-class heroes : protecting home, community, and nation in a Chicago neighborhood /
Working-class heroes protecting home, community, and nation in a Chicago neighborhood /