Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN800.G45 W3 The road to independence : Ghana and the Ivory Coast / 1
HN800.J5 S6 Jinja transformed : a social survey of a multi-racial township / 1
HN800.K4 H9 1973 A new earth / 1
HN800.L3 M3 Family and social change in an African city : a study of rehousing in Lagos. 1
HN800.L3 M3 1962 Family and social change in an African city. 1
HN800.L4 Take Out Hunger : Two Case Studies of Rural Development in Basutoland / 1
HN800.L4 W3 Take out hunger : two case studies of rural development in Basutoland. 1
HN800.M37 T5 1968 Social policies and population growth in Mauritius : report to the Governor of Mauritius / 1
HN800.N25 C3 The social structure of a Cape Coloured reserve : a study of racial integration and segregation in South Africa / 1
HN800.N3 D5 The marginal situation : a sociological study of a coloured group / 2
HN800.N3 N32 Natal regional survey. 1
HN800.N3 N33 no. 1 Experiment at Edendale : a study of a non-European settlement with special reference to food expenditure and nutrition. 1
HN800.N3 N33 no. 2 The Durban housing survey : a study of housing in a multi-racial community / 1
HN800.N3 N33 no. 3 Small towns of Natal : a socio-economic sample survey. 1
HN800.N3 N33 no. 4 The Dunn Reserve, Zululand / 1
HN800.N5 B35 Two villages on stilts : economic and family change in Nigeria / 1
HN800.N5 C6 1969 Custom & politics in urban Africa : a study of Hausa migrants in Yoruba towns / 1
HN800.N5 C6 1969b Custom & politics in urban Africa : a study of Hausa migrants in Yoruba towns. 1
HN800.N5 C6 2004eb Custom and politics in urban Africa : a study of Hausa migrants in Yoruba towns / 2
HN800.N5 M44 Nigeria: modernization and the politics of communalism / 1