Call Number (LC) Title Results
HN80.W38 S28 1992 Waucoma twilight : generations of the farm / 1
HN80.W5 C3 Willow Run : a study of industrialization and cultural inadequacy / 1
HN85 .N446 Report of the New York Herald Tribune ... annual Forum on Current Problems. 1
HN90 Life and Thought in the Ancient Near East.
Carceral Liberalism Feminist Voices Against State Violence.
Community Organizing : Building Social Capital as a Development Strategy.
Teenagers and Community Service : a Guide to the Issues.
The Moral Veto : Framing Contraception, Abortion, and Cultural Pluralism in the United States /
HN90.C6 Coping with rapid growth in rural communities
A community manifesto /
Marginal spaces /
Community development and schools : conflict, power and promise /
Urban needs : a bibliography and directory for community resource centers /
Rural Communities, legacy & change /
Rural policies for the 1990s /
New Governance for Rural America Creating Intergovernmental Partnerships.
Understanding community economic growth and decline : strategies for sustainable development /
The future of rural America : anticipating policies for constructive change /
Electronic byways : state policies for rural development through telecommunications /
Federal Policymaking and the Poor : National Goals, Local Choices, and Distributional Outcomes.
HN90 .C6 From Community to Consumption : New and Classical Themes in Rural Sociological Research. 1
HN90.C6 A32 Community development : a survey of CDFI organizations' use of performance measurement : report to Congressional requesters / 1
HN90.C6 A35 Community development : Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation should improve program management : report to Congressional requesters / 1
HN90.C6 A357 Rural Development Administration : patterns of use in the Business and Industry Loan Guarantee Program : report to the Chairman, Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1
HN90.C6 A432 Building communities, together : federal programs guide / 1
HN90.C6 A5 Build our American communities : a community development program for high school and young adult groups. 1
HN90.C6 A64 A new public policy for neighborhood preservation / 1
HN90.C6 A668 2003eb Mega-projects : the changing politics of urban public investment / 2
HN90.C6 A69 1986 American community organizations : a historical dictionary / 1
HN90.C6 B483 2010 What matters? : economics for a renewed commonwealth / 2
HN90.C6 B49 2000 Beyond agriculture new policies for rural America / 1
HN90.C6 B69 1984 Community is possible : repairing America's roots / 2
HN90.C6 B754 2001 A guide to careers in community development / 2
HN90.C6 C383 2021 White space, black hood : opportunity hoarding and segregation in the age of inequality / 1
HN90.C6 C45 1998 Celebrate the spirit of success! : a guide to best practices : practical information for developing and implementing programs to enhance the safety and security, personal empowerment, and economic self-sufficiency of public housing residents / 1