Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ1061 .W67 1984 The world of the older woman : conflicts and resolutions / 2
HQ1061 .Z35 2017 Well-being of older people in ageing societies / 1
HQ1061 .Z353 2017 Mainstreaming Ageing : Indicators to Monitor Sustainable Progress and Policies. 1
HQ1061eb Clinical and Social Psychology : Research Instruments in Social Gerontology.
Social Roles and Social Participation : Research Instruments in Social Gerontology.
Health, Program Evaluation, and Demography : Research Instruments in Social Gerontology.
HQ1061 eBook Envejecer con éxito : una guía de comunicación para el empoderamiento / 1
HQ1061 ebook Construcción social de los cuerpos y la vejez en México : género y medios de comunicación en el neoliberalismo /
Adultos mayores en Bogotá y su protección integral
Los nietos de Adán y Eva : ¿Por qué la naturaleza nos hace envejecer? /
Calidad de vida en personas mayores /
El futuro es hoy Dar sabiduría a los años /
Del anciano al adulto mayor : procesos psicosociales, de salud mental, familiares y generacionales /
Psicología del desarrollo : vejez : aspectos biológicos, psicológicos y sociales /
Envejecer en el siglo XXI. Visiones multidisciplinarias de la vejez y el envejecimiento.
La vejez en el curso de la vida /
La ancianidad /
La fuerza de la experiencia : por qué, cómo y dónde invertirla /
Envejecer es vivir /
HQ1061.5 .S5 1973 Patterns for progress in aging : a work study in social gerontology; a demonstration project at the University of Denver / 1
HQ1062 Wireless independent living for a greying population /
The essential retirement guide : a contrarian's perspective /
Ageing in contexts of migration /
Remaking retirement : debt in an aging economy /
Life after work : a psychological guide to a healthy retirement /
Rethinking retirement for positive ageing : creating a meaningful life after full-time work /
Soluciones Tecnológicas para Los Problemas Ligados Al Envejecimiento.
Retiring : creating a life that works for you /
The new senior man : exploring new horizons, new opportunities /
Jubilación prioridades de la vida para ser bien vivida : cuidarse para disfrutar /
The psychology of retirement : coping with the transition from work /
Slash your retirement risk : how to make your money last with a simple, safe, and secure investment plan /
Refire! : don't retire : make the rest of your life the best of your life /
La jubilación : una nueva oportunidad /
HBR guide to designing your retirement.
Retirement life insurance : how much is needed to optimize retirement spending /
HQ1062 .A445 2016 Ageing and technology : perspectives from the social sciences / 2
HQ1062 .A8 The sociology of retirement / 1
HQ1062 .B46 2015 Thinking smarter : seven steps to your fulfilling retirement . . . and life / 1
HQ1062 .C45 2022 Retirement income : the case of direct investment in short-term rental property compared to a dividend stock / 1
HQ1062 .C66 2005eb Comfort zones : planning for a fulfilling retirement, fifth edition. 1
HQ1062 .D455 2016 Delaying retirement : progress and challenges of active ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan / 1
HQ1062 .D48 Planning for retirement / 1
HQ1062 .D5 1984 The complete retirement planning book / 2
HQ1062 .D55 Compulsory retirement, pros and cons / 1
HQ1062 .E36 Economics of aging : the future of retirement / 2
HQ1062 .F36 1992 Families and retirement /
Families and Retirement.
HQ1062 .F54 2010 15 expert lessons for retirement planning. 1