Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ1136 .H45 1999eb Matrona docta : educated women in the Roman élite from Cornelia to Julia Domna / 1
HQ1136 .H46 2008eb Nieuwe Romeinsen / 1
HQ1136 .H46 2021 Women and society in the Roman world : a sourcebook of inscriptions from the Roman West / 2
HQ1136 .K35 1981 Image and status : Roman working women in Ostia / 1
HQ1136 .K88 1989 Untersuchungen zur Stellung der Frau im römischen Oxyrhynchos / 1
HQ1136 .L54 2000 Biographical dictionary of ancient Greek and Roman women : notable women from Sappho to Helena / 2
HQ1136 .L54 2008eb A to Z of ancient Greek and Roman women / 1
HQ1136 .M335 2013 Women in ancient Rome : a sourcebook / 1
HQ1136 .M55 2005 Gender, domesticity, and the age of Augustus : inventing private life / 1
HQ1136 .M55 2005eb Gender, domesticity, and the age of Augustus : inventing private life /
Gender, domesticity, and the age of Augustus inventing private life /
HQ1136 .P48 1989 La stola e il silenzio : sulla condizione femminile nel mondo romano / 1
HQ1136 .P49 2022 Daily life of women in ancient Rome / 2
HQ1136 .R53 2014 Arguments with silence : writing the history of roman women / 1
HQ1136 .R6613 2001 Roman women / 1
HQ1136 .S38 1987 Frauen in der römischen Geschichte / 1
HQ1136 .S45 2022 Secular Byzantine women : art, archaeology, and ethnography of female material culture from late Roman to post-Byzantine times / 1
HQ1136 .W66 2013 Women and the Roman City in the Latin West / 2
HQ1136 ebook La mujer liberta en la sociedad hispano-romana durante el imperio /
Mujeres de Roma : heroísmo, intrigas y pasiones /
HQ1137 Women of Assur and Kanesh Texts from the Archives of Assyrian Merchants. 1
HQ1137.A35 L6813 1987 Woman in ancient Africa / 2