Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ1147.E85 T87 2022eb Daily Life of Women in Medieval Europe. 1
HQ1147.E85 W37 2002 Women in medieval Europe, 1200-1500 / 1
HQ1147.E85 W37 2016 Women in medieval Europe, 1200-1500 / 3
HQ1147.E85 W655 1999 Women in medieval western European culture / 1
HQ1147.E85 W66 1985 Women of the medieval world : essays in honor of John H. Mundy / 1
HQ1147.E85 W66 2006 Women and gender in medieval Europe : an encyclopedia / 1
HQ1147.E85 W66 2011 Women in medieval Western European culture 1
HQ1147.E85 W66 2016 Women and gender in medieval Europe : an encyclopedia / 1
HQ1147.E853 L33 1986 A small sound of the trumpet : women in medieval life / 1
HQ1147.F7 Medieval women and their objects / 4
HQ1147.F7 A75 1999 Aristocratic women in medieval France / 1
HQ1147.F7 C36 2003 Capetian women / 1
HQ1147.F7 D813 1997 Women of the twelfth century / 1
HQ1147.F7 F54 2019 Courting sanctity : holy women and the Capetians / 1
HQ1147.F7 F54 2020 Courting sanctity : holy women and the Capetians / 1
HQ1147.F7G The Lady and the Virgin : Image, Attitude, and Experience in Twelfth-Century France. 1
HQ1147.F7 G65 1985 The lady & the Virgin : image, attitude, and experience in twelfth-century France / 1
HQ1147.F7 G65 1985eb The lady & the Virgin image, attitude, and experience in twelfth-century France / 1
HQ1147.F7 J67 2006 Women, power, and religious patronage in the Middle Ages / 1
HQ1147.F7 L39 2001 Femmes, pouvoir et société dans le haut Moyen Age / 1