Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ1149.E85 W637 2008 Women, identities and communities in early modern Europe / 1
HQ1149.E85 W64 2000 Women in Renaissance and early modern Europe / 1
HQ1149.F8 B4 1990 Les femmes dans la société française de la Renaissance / 1
HQ1149.F8 F45 1999 Femmes savantes, savoirs des femmes : du crépuscule de la Renaissance à l'aube des Lumières : actes du colloque de Chantilly (22-24 septembre 1995) / 1
HQ1149.F8 F73 1984 French women and the Age of Enlightenment /
French women and the Age of Enlightenment
HQ1149.F8 F73 1984eb French women and the Age of Enlightenment / 1
HQ1149.F8 H63 La femme dans la pensée des lumières / 1
HQ1149.F8 K46 2019 Pathologies of love : medicine and the woman question in early modern France / 1
HQ1149.F8 L39 2001 Les avenues de Fémynie : les femmes et la Renaissance / 1
HQ1149.F8 M83 2003 Passions de femmes au temps de la reine Margot, 1553-1615 / 1
HQ1149.F8 W37 2011 The ideas of man and woman in Renaissance France : print, rhetoric, and law / 1
HQ1149.F8 W37 2016 The ideas of man and woman in Renaissance France print, rhetoric, and law / 1
HQ1149.G3 W54 1986 Working women in Renaissance Germany / 1
HQ1149.G7 When Gossips Meet : Women, Family, and Neighbourhood in Early Modern England.
Gender in early modern england /
HQ1149.G7 A64 2010 Women, feminism and religion in early Enlightenment England / 1
HQ1149.G7 C3 The Elizabethan woman. 1
HQ1149.G7 C3 1975 The Elizabethan woman / 1
HQ1149.G7 C37 2003 When gossips meet : women, family, and neighbourhood in early modern England / 1
HQ1149.G7 C65 2006 Performing polity : women and agency in the Anglo-French tradition, 1385-1620 / 1
HQ1149.G7 G56 1992 Gloriana's face : women, public and private, in the English Renaissance / 1