Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HQ1166 .G37 2014 | [Un]framing the "bad woman" : Sor Juana, Malinche, Coyolxauhqui, and other rebels with a cause / | 1 |
HQ1166 .G37 2014eb | [Un]framing the "bad woman" : Sor Juana, Malinche, Coyolxauhqui, and other rebels with a cause / | 1 |
HQ1166 .M854 2001 | Mujeres en las fronteras : trabajo, salud y migración : Belice, Guatemala, Estados Unidos y México / | 1 |
HQ1166 .P47 1976 | Power and pawn : the female in Iberian families, societies, and cultures / | 1 |
HQ1166 P47 1976 | ||
HQ1166 .R66 2013 |
Sacred iconographies in Chicana cultural productions Sacred iconographies in Chicana cultural productions / |
3 |
HQ1166 .W45 2013 | Daughters and granddaughters of farmworkers : emerging from the long shadow of farm labor / | 1 |
HQ1166 .W45 2013eb | Daughters and granddaughters of farmworkers : emerging from the long shadow of farm labor / | 2 |
HQ1170 |
Feeding desire : fatness, beauty, and sexuality among a Saharan people / Women's employment in Muslim countries : patterns of diversity / Die Töchter der Gastarbeiter und der Islam Zur Soziologie alltagsweltlicher Anerkennungspolitiken. Eine Fallstudie / Muslim women in Britain : de-mystifying the Muslimah / Der neue Islam der Frauen : Weibliche Lebenspraxis in der globalisierten Moderne. Fallstudien aus Afrika, Asien und Europa / Semi-structured, open-ended interviewing : a qualitative descriptive study of Arab Muslim immigrant women's experiences of living in the United States / Reclaiming the Nation Muslim Women and the law in India Alternative performativity of Muslimness : the intersection of race, gender, religion, and migration / Islam, gender, and democracy in comparative perspective / O har m ao r s do chão : imaginário europeu e representações médicas sobre o lugar-segredo, 1599-1791 / A History of the House of Douglas vol. II. Veiled threats : representing the Muslim woman in public policy discourses / Islamic feminism and the discourse of post-liberation : the cultural turn in Algeria / Muslim women / Muslim women's choices : religious belief and social reality / Contemporary muslim girlhoods in India : a study of social justice, identity and agency in Assam / Wrapping authority : women Islamic leaders in a Sufi movement in Dakar, Senegal / The headscarf as a business card : a qualitative case study on styles and expressions of Berlin Muslim women / The monstrous and the vulnerable : framing British jihadi brides / Headstrong daughters : inspiring stories from the new generation of Australian Muslim women / Muslim Diaspora in the West : Negotiating Gender, Home and Belonging. Women and Islamization : Contemporary Dimensions of Discourse on Gender Relations / Routledge library editions. My Hair is Pink Under This Veil. Unruly women : race, neocolonialism, and the hijab / North American Muslim women artists talk back : assertions of unintelligibility / Forging identities gender, communities, and the state in India / Women in the Muslim world / Female power and religious change in the medieval Near East / Muslim women speak : of dreams and shackles / The house of obedience women in Arab society / Empowering women after the Arab spring / Price of honor : Muslim women lift the veil of silence on the Islamic world / Muslim women as speakers of English / Muslim women in contemporary North America controversies, clichés, and conversations / Perceptions of Self, Power, & Gender Among Muslim Women : narratives from a Rural Community in Bangladesh / |
40 |
HQ1170 .A14 1998 | al-ʻArab wa-al-marʼah : ḥafrīyah fī al-isṭīr al-makhīm / | 1 |
HQ1170 .A26 2017 | The biographical approach and the participants "active" role in the processes of gender and religious identity-building / | 1 |
HQ1170 .A333 2010 | Challenging Identities. | 1 |
HQ1170 .A34 2001 | Speaking in God's name : Islamic law, authority and women / | 1 |
HQ1170 .A346 2013 | Do Muslim women need saving? / | 1 |
HQ1170 .A346 2013eb | Do Muslim Women Need Saving? / | 3 |
HQ1170 .A42 2007 | Dawāʼir al-khawf : qirāʼah fī khiṭāb al-marʼah / | 1 |
HQ1170 .A465 2017 |
The Routledge international handbook to veils and veiling practices The Routledge international handbook to veils and veiling practices / |
2 |
HQ1170 .A5495 2018 | Muslim women and white femininity : reenactment and resistance / | 1 |
HQ1170 .A58 2007 | Women in Morocco : participation in the workforce as an avenue of social mobility / | 1 |