Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ1170 .E329 2021 The space of the transnational : feminisms and ummah in African and Southeast Asian writing / 1
HQ1170 .E45 2015 Women, Islam, and Abbasid Identity /
Women, Islam, and Abbasid identity /
HQ1170 .E53 2003 Encyclopedia of women & Islamic cultures / 1
HQ1170 .E53 2020 Encyclopedia of women & Islamic cultures 2010-2020 / 1
HQ1170 .E54 2008 The rights of women in Islam / 1
HQ1170 .F35 1995 Faith and freedom : women's human rights in the Muslim world / 3
HQ1170 .F46 1996 Feminism and Islam : legal and literary perspectives / 1
HQ1170 .F48 1998 In search of Islamic feminism : one woman's global journey / 1
HQ1170 .F49 2019 Locating Maldivian women's mosques in global discourses / 1
HQ1170 .F67 1994  
HQ1170 .G36 2011 Islamischer Feminismus in Deutschland? : Religiosität, Identität und Gender in muslimischen Frauenvereinen / 1
HQ1170 .G425 2018 Gender and economics in Muslim communities : critical feminist and postcolonial analyses / 1
HQ1170 .G426 2011 Gender and Islam in Africa : rights, sexuality, and law / 1
HQ1170 .G427 2013eb Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia : women's rights movements, religious resurgence and local traditions / 1
HQ1170 .G429 2019 Gender, governance and Islam / 1
HQ1170 .G43 2005 Gender, politics, and Islam / 1
HQ1170 .G44 2005 Geographies of Muslim women : gender, religion, and space / 1
HQ1170 .G45 1996 Women and fundamentalism : Islam and Christianity / 1
HQ1170 .G47 2011 Women and fundamentalism : Islam and Christianity / 1
HQ1170 .G53 2014 Women of the nation : between black protest and Sunni Islam / 1