Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HQ1201 .D67 | The excellent woman described by her true characters and their opposites being a just and instructive representation of the vertues and vices of the sex : and illustrated with the most remarkable instances in ancient and modern history : in two parts / | 2 |
HQ1201 .D775 2022 | Des femmes : observations du préjugé commun sur la différence des sexes / | 1 |
HQ1201 .D87 2023 | Louise Dupin's Work on women : selections / | 1 |
HQ1201 .E5 1940 | Sir Thomas Elyot's The defence of good women / | 1 |
HQ1201 .E59 1540 | The defence of good vvomen | 1 |
HQ1201 .E8 1696 | An essay in defence of the female sex : in which are inserted the characters of a pendant, a squire, a beau, a vertuoso, a poetaster, a city critick, & c : in a letter to a lady / | 1 |
HQ1201 .F42 1997 | Defensa de la mujer : discurso XVI del Teatro crítico / | 1 |
HQ1201 .G6 1797 | An enquiry into the duties of the female sex. / | 1 |
HQ1201 .G68 1988 | Fragments d'un discours féminin / | 1 |
HQ1201 .H67 1977 | History of ideas on woman : a source book / | 2 |
HQ1201.H92 1620 | Hic mulier: or, The man-woman: being a medicine to cure the coltish disease [of] the staggers in the masculine-feminines of our times. / | 1 |
The choyce of ievvels The accomplish'd woman Ar't asleepe husband? A boulster lecture; stored with all variety of witty jeasts, merry tales, and other pleasant passages; extracted, from the choicest flowers of philosophy, poesy, antient and moderne history. Illustrated with examples of incomparable constancy, in the excellent history of Philocles and Doriclea. / A mouzell for Melastomus, the cynicall bayter of, and foule mouthed barker against Euahs sex, or, An apologeticall answere to that irreligious and illiterate pamphlet made by Io. Sw. and by him intituled, The arraignement of women Gynaikeion, or, Nine bookes of various history. Concerninge women inscribed by ye names of ye nine Muses. / The araignment of leuud, idle, froward, and vnconstant women or the vanitie of them, choose you whether : with a commendation of wise, vertuous and honest women : pleasant for married men, profitable for young men, and hurtfull to none. A dialogue concerning women, being a defence of the sex written to Eugenia. The woman as good as the man, or, The equallity of both sexes The Female advocate, or, An ansvver to a late satyr against the pride, lust and inconstancy, &c. of woman A treatise of the nobilitie and excellencye of vvoman kynde |
10 |
HQ1201 .L18 2016 | ||
HQ1201 .L2 1739 | The Ladies library / | 1 |
HQ1201 .L2513 1995 | New reflections on women / | 1 |
HQ1201 .L65 | Letters on the female mind : its powers and pursuits / | 1 |
HQ1201 .L79 1900 | The book of fair women / | 1 |
HQ1201 .N67 | The accomplish'd lady, or, Deserving gentlewoman being vindication of innocent and harmless females from the aspersions of malicious men : wherein are contained many eminent examples of the constancy, chastity, prudence, policy, valour, learning, &c. wherein they have not only equal'd but excell'd many of the contrary sex. | 1 |
HQ1201 .O8 1855 | Woman in the nineteenth century : and kindred papers relating to the sphere, condition and duties of woman / | 1 |
HQ1201 .O8 1855x | Woman in the nineteenth century : and kindred papers relating to the sphere, condition and duties of woman / | 1 |