Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ1762 .C52 2017 Womansword : what Japanese words say about women / 1
HQ1762 .C7 1975 Daughters of changing Japan / 1
HQ1762 .D34 2009 Feminist movements in contemporary Japan / 1
HQ1762 .D34 2009eb Feminist movements in contemporary Japan 1
HQ1762 .D58 2018 Diva nation : female icons from Japanese cultural history / 2
HQ1762 .D58 2019 Diva nation : female icons from Japanese cultural history / 1
HQ1762 .D86 2018 The monstrous-feminine in contemporary Japanese popular culture / 1
HQ1762 .E335 1994 Edo jidai josei bunko. 1
HQ1762 .E56 1995 Enpawāmento no joseigaku / 1
HQ1762 .F25 2009 Intimate encounters : Filipina women and the remaking of rural Japan / 1
HQ1762 .F3 1926aa The new Japanese womanhood / 1
HQ1762 .F3 1926i The new Japanese womanhood 1
HQ1762 .F67 2005 Die "böse Alte" in der japanischen Populärkultur der Edo-Zeit : die Feindvalenz und ihr soziales Umfeld / 1
HQ1762 .F84 1988 Fukuzawa Yukichi on Japanese women : selected works / 1
HQ1762 .G33 2010 Women's history and local community in postwar Japan / 1
HQ1762 .G33 2010eb Women's history and local community in postwar Japan 1
HQ1762 .G334 2012 Gendai Nihon josei mondai nenpyō : 1975-2008 / 1
HQ1762 .G37 2003 Gender policies in Japan and the United States : comparing women's movements, rights, and politics /
Gender policies in Japan and the United States : comparing women's movements, rights and politics /
HQ1762 G4 Gendai fujin mondai kōza. 1
HQ1762 .G87 2011 Gurōbarizēshon / 1