Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HQ18.C6 L5513 2007 | The Tao of seduction : erotic secrets from ancient China / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 L578 1999 | Xing yu Zhongguo wen hua / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 .L58 1993 | Zhongguo gu dai xing wen hua = The sex culture of ancient China / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 M35 2010 | Backward glances contemporary Chinese cultures and the female homoerotic imaginary / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 M36 1995 |
Misers, shrews, and polygamists sexuality and male-female relations in eighteenth-century Chinese fiction / Misers, shrews, and polygamists : sexuality and male-female relations in eighteenth-century Chinese fiction / |
2 |
HQ18.C6 M37 2006 | Sex, science and morality in China / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 M37 2006eb | Sex, science and morality in China | 1 |
HQ18.C6 P36 1995 | Zhongguo xing xian zhuang : xing, ge ren xiu yang, she hui xian shi / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 Q4 2000 | Chūgoku gosennen sei no bunkashi / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 S43 2006 | Sex and sexuality in China / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 S43 2006eb | Sex and sexuality in China | 1 |
HQ18.C6 S44 2018 | Sexuality in China : histories of power & pleasure / | 2 |
HQ18.C6 S5 1998 | Shuang mei ying an cong shu / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 T3 1998 | Xing wen hua yu fa / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 W34 2010 | Xing de li cheng : cong shang gu dao Sui Tang / | 1 |
HQ18.C6 Z37 2017eb | Sexuality in a changing China : young women, sex and intimate relations in the reform period / | 1 |
HQ18.C65 ebook | La batalla de los sentidos : infidelidad, adulterio y concubinato a fines de la Colonia / | 1 |
HQ18.C65 G47 2013 | Violent delights, violent ends : sex, race, & honor in colonial Cartagena de Indias / | 1 |
HQ18.C65 G47 2013eb | Violent delights, violent ends : sex, race, and honor in colonial Cartagena de Indias / | 1 |
HQ18.C7 ebook | El swinger : entre el placer y el afecto : rupturas y continuidades en la pareja contemporánea / | 1 |