Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ185.A5 L48 2003eb Prostitution, race, and politics : policing venereal disease in the British Empire / 1
HQ185.A5 M37 2014 Exiting prostitution : a study in female desistance / 2
HQ185.A5 P44 2006 Bernard Mandeville's "A modest defence of publick stews" : prostitution and its discontents in early Georgian England / 1
HQ185.A5 P44 2006eb Bernard Mandeville's "A modest defence of publick stews" : prostitution and its discontents in early Georgian England / 2
HQ185.A5 S24 2009eb Prostitution sex work, policy and politics /
Prostitution : sex work, policy and politics /
HQ185.A5 S248 2014 Flexible workers : labour, regulation and the political economy of the stripping industry / 1
HQ185.A5 S248 2014eb Flexible workers : labour, regulation and the political economy of the stripping industry / 1
HQ185.A5 S25 2005eb Sex work : a risky business / 1
HQ185.A5 S26 2005 Sex work : a risky business / 1
HQ185.A5 S28 1692 Satans jimcrack, or, The mousetrap of iniquity being a discourse against whoreing : deliver'd to a perticular congregation near Coveut-Garden [sic] / 1
HQ185.A5 S49 2006eb Sex work now 1
HQ185.A5 S53 2017 Red Light, Blue Light : Prostitutes, Punters and the Police / 1
HQ185.A5 S65 2020 Capitalism's sexual history / 2
HQ185.A5 W34 Prostitution and Victorian society : women, class, and the state /
Prostitution and Victorian Society : Women, Class, and the State /
HQ185.A5 W34 1980 Prostitution and Victorian society women, class, and the state / 1
HQ185 .B37 2005 Flesh trade : tales from the UK sexual underground / 1
HQ185 .N53 The Night-walkers declaration, or, The Distressed whores advice to all their sisters in city and country set forth (by way of confession) out of a deep sense of the tribulations they have lately suffered. 1
HQ186 Antimoixeia: or, the honest and joynt-design of the Tower-hamblets for the general suppression of bawdy-houses as incouraged thereto by the publick magistrates. 1
HQ186 .A2 Prostitution, considered in its moral, social, & sanitary aspects, in London and other large cities with proposals for the mitigation and prevention of its attendant evils / 1
HQ186 .A27 1972 Prostitution, considered in its moral, social and sanitary aspects in London and other large cities and garrison towns : with proposals for the control and prevention of its attendant evils / 1