Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ247.A5 N353 2015 Joshidaisei fūzokujō : wakamono hinkon taikoku Nihon no riaru / 1
HQ247.A5 N67 2019 Comfort women and post-occupation corporate Japan / 1
HQ247.A5 N67 2019eb Comfort women and post-occupation corporate Japan / 1
HQ247.A5 S225 1987 Yūjo no bunkashi : hare no onnatachi / 1
HQ247.A5 S73 2012 Selling women prostitution, markets, and the household in early modern Japan /
Selling women : prostitution, markets, and the household in early modern Japan /
HQ247.A5 T29 1982 Haishō undō : kuruwa no josei wa dō kaihōsareta ka / 1
HQ247.A5 Y36 2021 Prostitutes, hostesses, and actresses at the edge of the Japanese empire : fragmenting history / 1
HQ247.A5 Y674 2022 Doing ethnography in the wake of the displacement of transnational sex workers in Yokohama : sensuous remembering / 1
HQ247 .D4 1960 Yoshiwara; the nightless city / 1
HQ247 .H3 House of the 10,000 pleasures : a modern study of the geisha and of the streetwalker of Japan. 1
HQ247 .H69 1910 How the social evil is regulated in Japan. 1
HQ247.T6 K63 2020 Healing labor : Japanese sex work in the gendered economy / 1
HQ247.T6 K63 2020eb Healing labor : Japanese sex work in the gendered economy / 1
HQ247.T6 L35 Yoshiwara: city of the senses / 1
HQ247.T6 T74 1910 Yoshiwara : die Liebesstadt der Japaner / 1
HQ248.A5 C54 2010 On the move for love : migrant entertainers and the U.S. military in South Korea / 3
HQ248.A5 S56 2018 Shokuminchi yūkaku : Nihon no guntai to Chōsen Hantō / 1
HQ248 .N35 1931 Bakumatsu kaikō rashamen jōshi / 1
HQ250.A5 China's commercial sexscapes : rethinking intimacy, masculinity, and criminal justice / 1
HQ250.A5 H78 1995 Ji nü shi / 1