Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ684.Z9 P45 1995 Beijing hun yin, jia ting yu fu nĂ¼ di wei yan jiu / 1
HQ684.Z9 Q3574 2012 China's left-behind wives : families of migrants from Fujian to Southeast Asia, 1930s-1950s / 1
HQ684.Z9 T54 1996 Xizang jia ting si shi nian bian qian : Xizang bai hu jia ting diao zha bao gao / 1
HQ684.Z9 X539 2003 Private life under socialism : love, intimacy, and family change in a Chinese village, 1949-1999 / 1
HQ684.Z9 X539 2003eb Private life under socialism : love, intimacy, and family change in a Chinese village, 1949-1999 /
Private life under socialism love, intimacy, and family change in a Chinese village, 1949-1999 /
HQ686 Visions of marriage : politics and family on Kinmen, 1920-2020 / 1
HQ686 .C446 2011 Taibei ba ba, Niuyue ma ma / 1
HQ686 .C48 2010 Understanding Chinese families : a comparative study of Taiwan and Southeast China / 1
HQ686 .C58 2010eb Understanding Chinese families : a comparative study of Taiwan and Southeast China / 1
HQ686 .P35 2017 Sexual Identity and Lesbian Family Life : Lesbianism, Patriarchalism and the Asian Family in Taiwan / 1
HQ686 .T35 2012 Taiwan de she hui bian qian, 1985-2005 : jia ting yu hun yin / 1
HQ686 .T48 1994 Social change and the family in Taiwan / 2
HQ687 Chinese marriage and social change the legal abolition of Concubinage in Hong Kong / 1
HQ687 .M37 2005 Marriage, divorce, and remarriage : professional practice in the Hong Kong cultural context / 1
HQ689.I8 G37 1972 Family and community in the kibbutz / 1
HQ689.L4 H36 Social structure of low-income families in Lebanon. 1
HQ690 .A73 2017 Arab diaries. 2
HQ690 .A735 2018 Arab family studies : critical reviews / 1
HQ690 .N49 2003 The new Arab family / 1
HQ691 Survey of African marriage and family life /
African Marriage and Social Change