Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ75.5 .V53 2004 Intimate friends : women who loved women, 1778-1928 / 1
HQ75.5 .V57 Visibilities. 1
HQ75.5 .V65 2008 Femmes of power : exploding queer femininities / 1
HQ75.5 .W35 2001 Looking like what you are : sexual style, race, and lesbian identity /
Looking Like What You Are : Sexual Style, Race, and Lesbian Identity.
HQ75.5 .W47 1989 A lesbian love advisor / 3
HQ75.5 .W56 2009 Queer women and religious individualism / 2
HQ75.5 .W56 2009eb Queer women and religious individualism / 1
HQ75.5 ebook Las intermitencias de los infinitos lésbicos : relaciones de género entre lesbianas : una autoetnografía feminista /
Ser lesbiana, un camino de individuación /
HQ75.5 HQ75.5.P47 1994 Getting Specific : Postmodern Lesbian Politics. 2
HQ75.51.C67 2010 Sexual Intimacy for Women : a Guide for Same-sex Couples. 1
HQ75.53 Queere Praktiken der Reproduktion : Wie lesbische und queere Paare Familie, Verwandtschaft und Geschlecht gestalten /
Beyond Expectation Assisted Conception and the Politics of Recognition
Lesbians & child custody : a casebook /
Choosing Family
HQ75.53 .A27 1999 The other mother : a lesbian's fight for her daughter / 1
HQ75.53 .A27 1999eb The other mother : a lesbian's fight for her daughter / 1
HQ75.53 .A28 2013 Amigas y amantes : sexually nonconforming Latinas negotiate family / 1
HQ75.53 .A28 2013eb Amigas y amantes : sexually nonconforming Latinas negotiate family / 2
HQ75.53 .A45 2004 Baby steps : how lesbian alternative insemination is changing the world / 2
HQ75.53 .A53 2009 And baby makes more : known donors, queer parents, and our unexpected families / 1
HQ75.53 .B49 1995 Beyond blood : writings on the lesbian and gay family / 1
HQ75.53 .B75 2006 The new essential guide to lesbian conception, pregnancy, & birth / 1
HQ75.53 .B87 1993 Family values : two moms and their son / 2