Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ755.7.C73 2007 HQ755.7 Contemporary Motherhood : the Impact of Children on Adult Time. 1
HQ755.7 .C73 2016 Contemporary motherhood the impact of children on adult time / 1
HQ755.7 .D36 1988 Teaching child management skills / 1
HQ755.7 .D38 2016eb The rational positive parenting program / 1
HQ755.7 .G75 1998 Evaluating parenting programmes : a study of stakeholders' views / 1
HQ755.7 .H355 2001eb Handbook of diversity in parent education the changing faces of parenting and parent education / 1
HQ755.7 .H36 1980eb Handbook on parent education / 1
HQ755.7 .L36 1980 Maternal teaching strategies in Chicano and Anglo-American families : the influence of culture and education on maternal behavior / 1
HQ755.7 .N48 2016 Promoting positive parenting of teenagers / 1
HQ755.7 .N75 2012eb Parenting education and support : new opportunities / 1
HQ755.7 .P365 1983 Parent education and public policy / 1
HQ755.7 .S43 1989 The Second handbook on parent education : contemporary perspectives /
The Second handbook on parent education contemporary perspectives /
HQ755.7 .S63 2020 Parenting programmes : what the parents say : a case study in mixed methods social science research / 1
HQ755.7 ebook Familia y educación familiar : conceptos clave, situación actual y valores /
Aprendiendo en familia : curso para tutores, orientadores educacionales y padres de alumnos de nivel medio /
HQ755.8 Voluntary and involuntary childlessness : the joys of otherhood? /
Parenting across cultures from childhood to adolescence : development in nine countries /
Parenting across the life span : biosocial dimensions /
Couples' transitions to parenthood gender, intimacy and equality /
EVERYDAY WAYS TO CONNECT WITH YOUR ADOPTED OR FOSTERED CHILD over 200 quick and simple ways to build relationships and open conversations.
Parenting at the intersections : raising neurodivergent children of color /
Familien mit multipler Elternschaft : Entstehungszusammenhänge, Herausforderungen und Potentiale.
Evaluating parental power : an exercise in pluralist political theory /
Doing good parenthood : ideals and practices of parental involvement /
Infertility in medieval and early modern Europe : premodern views on childlessness /
Parenting and the goods of childhood /
Asian American parenting family process and intervention /
Parenting in Youth Sport : From Research to Practice.
Parenting and the Goods of Childhood
Parental conflict : outcomes and interventions for children and families /
The rules of parenting : a personal code for bringing up happy, confident children /
Handbook of parenting /
Aqui estoy! Tu quien eres? : proximidad, respeto y limites entre adultos y ninos.
A child of one's own : parental stories /
A practitioner's guide to enhancing parenting skills : assessment, analysis and intervention /
Parental stress and early child development : adaptive and maladaptive outcomes /
Parenting as partners : how to launch your kids without ejecting your spouse /
Neuroparenting the expert invasion of family life /
Duct tape parenting : a less is more approach to raising respectful, responsible, and resilient kids /
Becoming a digital parent : a practical guide to help families navigate technology /
Handbook of parenting.
Parenting and work in Poland a gender studies perspective /
Growing up with your children : 7 turning points in the lives of parents /
Promoting positive parenting : an attachment-based intervention /
The journey to parenthood : myths, reality and what really matters /
Prenatal family dynamics couple and coparenting relationships during and postpregnancy /
Familien mit multipler Elternschaft : Entstehungszusammenhänge, Herausforderungen und Potentiale.
Parenthood after 30? : a guide to personal choice /
FAMILIES WITH A DIFFERENCE varieties of surrogate parenthood.
A comparison of Eastern and Western parenting : programmes, policies and approaches /
Parenting across cultures : childrearing, motherhood and fatherhood in non-Western cultures /
Parenting : challenges, practices and cultural influences /
First-Time Parenting Journeys Expectations and Realities.
Parenting culture studies /
Parenting culture studies
Co-Parenting und die Zukunft der Liebe : Über post-romantische Elternschaft /
Monica Plum's horrid problem /
Contemporary parenting : a global perspective /
Intercultural parenting and relationships : challenges and rewards /
Helping children of troubled parents a guidebook /
Mom babble : the messy truth about motherhood /
Negotiating at home : essential steps for reaching agreement with your kids /
Raising Children With Grit : Parenting Passionate, Persistent, and Successful Kids.
Gender, parenthood and the changing European workplace : a European comparative study /
Parenting with Reason : Evidence-Based Approaches to Parenting Dilemmas.
Transition to parenthood /
Mindful parenting : a guide for mental health practitioners /
29 rules for smart parenting : how to raise children without being a tyrant /
¡Padres, atreveos a decir "No"!
Educar en la era de la dispersión digital : una guía práctica para que los niños hagan un uso equilibrado de la tecnología /
EL CEREBRO DEL NIÑO. LIBRO DE EJERCICIOS : Hojas de trabajo, actividades y ejercicios prácticos para cultivar la mente en desarrollo de tu hijo. /
Transcendent parenting : raising children in the digital age /
A parent's guide to shame-free parenting /
HQ755.8 .A463 2004eb No exit : what parents owe their children and what society owes parents / 1
HQ755.8 .A47 1992 The effect of children on parents / 1
HQ755.8 .A47 2001 The effect of children on parents
The effect of children on parents /
HQ755.8 .A47 2004 No exit : what parents owe their children and what society owes parents / 1
HQ755.8 .A73 2020 Childlessness in the age of communication : deconstructing silence / 2