Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
HQ759.48 .W38 2020eb | The juggling mother : coming undone in the age of anxiety / | 1 |
HQ759.48 .W47 2019eb | Squeezing birth into working life : household panel data analyses comparing Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and the Netherlands / | 1 |
HQ759.48 .W65 2012 | Women who opt out : the debate over working mothers and work-family balance / | 2 |
HQ759.48 .W66 1987 | Women's work, families, and health : the balancing act / | 1 |
HQ759.48 .W66 2012 | Women who opt out : the debate over working mothers and work-family balance / | 1 |
HQ759.48 .W673 2007 | Working and mothering in Asia : images, ideologies and identities / | 1 |
HQ759.48 .Y83 1997 | Towards a Chinese conception of social support : a study on the social support networks of Chinese working mothers in Beijing / | 1 |
HQ759.5 |
Distintos enfoques de la gestacion por sustitucion como tecnica de reproduccion humana asistida Globalization and transnational surrogacy in India : outsourcing life / La gestación para otros : una reflexión jurídico-constitucional sobre el conflicto entre deseos y derechos / Transnational commercial surrogacy and the (un)making of kin in India / Transnationalising reproduction : third party conception in a globalised world / Surrogate motherhood : conception in the heart / Surrogate motherhood and the politics of reproduction El reto de la gestacion subrogada luces y sombras. Outsourcing the womb : race, class, and gestational surrogacy in a global market / Towards a professional model of surrogate motherhood / A transnational feminist view of surrogacy biomarkets in India / Intimate strangers : commercial surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine and the making of truth / |
14 |
HQ759.5 .A54 1989 | Between strangers : surrogate mothers, expectant fathers, & brave new babies / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .B33 2017 | Babies for sale? : transnational surrogacy, human rights and the politics of reproduction / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .B36 2021 | Sociological debates on gestational surrogacy : between legitimation and international abolition / | 2 |
HQ759.5 .B47 2016 | The online world of surrogacy / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .B47 2016eb | The online world of surrogacy / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .B67 1988 | Born to be sold Martha Rosler reads the strange case of Baby SM / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .C54 1988 | Sacred bond : the legacy of Baby M / | 3 |
HQ759.5 .C54 1989 | Sacred bond : the legacy of Baby M / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .F67 2020 | For somebody else / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .G66 2011 DVD | Google baby / | 1 |
HQ759.5 .K36 1988 | Birth mother : the story of America's first legal surrogate mother / | 2 |
HQ759.5 .K4 1981 | The surrogate mother / | 3 |