Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ76.3.C6 Z474 2001 Ai mei de li cheng : Zhongguo gu dai tong xing lian shi = Aimei de licheng : Zhongguo gudai tongxinglianshi / 1
HQ76.3.C7 ebook Hasta que el amor les dure : debates en torno a las parejas del mismo sexo en el contexto colombiano / 1
HQ76.3.C7 M37 2018 Madres del triángulo rosa / 1
HQ76.3.C72 ebook Gais y lesbianas en contextos universitarios de Cali, Colombia /
Homosexuales y travestis : "falsas mujeres" en Guayaquil /
HQ76.3.C9 B45 2001 Gay Cuban nation / 1
HQ76.3.C9 F45 2009eb Rainbow solidarity in defense of Cuba / 1
HQ76.3.D4 S55 2019 Immigrants on Grindr : race, sexuality and belonging online / 1
HQ76.3.D4 S55 2019eb Immigrants on Grindr : race, sexuality and belonging online / 2
HQ76.3.D44 D54 2000 Different rainbows / 1
HQ76.3 .E37 2003eb Toward Stonewall : homosexuality and society in the modern western world / 2
HQ76.3.E8 B67 Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality : Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century / 1
HQ76.3.E8 B67 1981eb Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality : gay people in Western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the fourteenth century / 1
HQ76.3.E8 B67 2015 Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality : gay people in western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the fourteenth century / 1
HQ76.3.E8 B68 1994 Same-sex unions in premodern Europe / 2
HQ76.3.E8 ebook Extraños : amores homosexuales en el siglo XIX / 1
HQ76.3.E8 Q43 2001eb Queering the Middle Ages / 2
HQ76.3.E8 Q44 1994 Queering the Renaissance /
Queering the Renaissance
HQ76.3.E8 Q44 2016eb Queer stories of Europe / 1
HQ76.3.E8 Q447 2016 Queer in Europe contemporary case studies / 1
HQ76.3.E8 S26 2013 Same-sex desire and love in Greco-Roman antiquity and in the classical tradition of the West / 1