Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ775 .M37 2015 DVD The mask you live in / 1
HQ775 .M37 2015b DVD The mask you live in / 1
HQ775 .M425 2011 Mediated boyhoods : boys, teens, and young men in popular media and culture / 1
HQ775 .M58 1991 Boys will be boys : breaking the link between masculinity and violence / 2
HQ775 .M727 2007eb BAM! boys advocacy and mentoring : a leader's guide to facilitating strengths-based groups for boys, helping boys make better contact by making better contact with them / 1
HQ775 .N49 1999 The men they will become : the nature and nurture of male character / 1
HQ775 .P37 2019 The heart of a boy : celebrating the strength and spirit of boyhood / 1
HQ775 .P55 1994 The trouble with boys : a wise and sympathetic guide to the risky business of raising sons / 2
HQ775 .S28 1995 Challenging macho values : practical ways of working with adolescent boys / 1
HQ775 .S28 1996eb Challenging macho values practical ways of working with adolescent boys /
Challenging macho values : practical ways of working with adolescent boys /
HQ775.W55 2008 Help Your Boys Succeed : the essential guide for parents. 1
HQ777 Researching girlhood using photo-elicitation.
Regulating Girls and Women Sexuality, Family, and the Law in Ontario, 1920-1960
HBO's Girls and the awkward politics of gender, race, and privilege /
Rights of the girl child in India : struggle for existence and well-being /
HQ777 .A23 2005 Young femininity : girlhood, power, and social change / 1
HQ777 .A45 2004 Aggression, antisocial behavior, and violence among girls : a developmental perspective / 1
HQ777 .A67 1998 Girl rearing / 2
HQ777 .B245 2000 Urban girls : empowerment in especially difficult circumstances / 1
HQ777 .B37 2000 Urban girls : empowerment in especially difficult circumstances / 1
HQ777 .B5318 2014 Educar niñas : cómo ayudar a tu hija a convertirse en una mujer sabia, fuerte y segura / 1
HQ777 .B66 1992 Meeting at the crossroads : women's psychology and girls' development / 1