Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ784.I58 D53 2006 Digital generations : children, young people, and new media / 1
HQ784.I58 D54 2013eb  
HQ784.I58 ebook Cómo las pantallas devoran a nuestros hijos
La seguridad para los menores en Internet /
La generación like : guía práctica para madres y padres en la era multipantalla /
Comunicación, infancia y juventud : situación e investigación en España /
HQ784.I58 F673 2014 Children's Internet search : using roles to understand children's search behavior / 1
HQ784.I58 F75 2000 Children and the World Wide Web : tool or trap? / 2
HQ784.I58 H39 2016 Parents and digital technology : how to raise the connected generation / 1
HQ784.I58 H64 2014bab IRules : what every tech-healthy family needs to know about selfies, sexting, gaming, and growing up / 1
HQ784.I58 H65 2003 Cyberkids : children in the information age / 1
HQ784.I58 I58 2010 Enhancing child safety and online technologies : final report of the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys General of the United States / 1
HQ784.I58 K36 2018 The art of screen time : how your family can balance digital media and real life / 1
HQ784.I58 K49 2021 Kids and today's media : a careful analysis and scrutiny of the problems. 1
HQ784.I58 K5 1999 Kids and the Internet : the promise and the perils : an NCLIS hearing in Arlington, Virginia, November 10, 1998 / 1
HQ784.I58 K5 1999i Kids and the Internet the promise and the perils : an NCLIS hearing in Arlington, Virginia, November 10, 1998 / 1
HQ784.I58 K53 1999 Kids and the Internet : the promise and the perils : an NCLIS hearing in Arlington, Virginia, November 10, 1998. 1
HQ784.I58 K535 2009eb Kids online opportunities and risks for children /
Kids online : opportunities and risks for children /
HQ784.I58 K64 2022 Children, technology and healthy development : how to help kids be safe and thrive online / 1
HQ784.I58 K68 2014eb The Gen Z effect : the 6 forces shaping the future of business / 2
HQ784.I58 K68 2015ab The Gen Z effect : the six forces shaping the future of business / 1
HQ784.I58.K685 2014 Gen Z Effect : the Six Forces Shaping the Future of Business. 1
HQ784.I58 L36 2016 Kids on YouTube technical identities and digital literacies /
Kids on YouTube : technical identities and digital literacies /