Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ784.T4 G28 1975 Television and vocational socialization / 1
HQ784.T4 G3 For the young viewer : television programming for children, at the local level. / 1
HQ784.T4 G679 2019 Fear in front of the screen : children's fear, nightmares, and thrills from TV / 1
HQ784.T4 G83 2007 Into the minds of babes : how screen time affects children from birth to age five / 2
HQ784.T4 G858 2004eb Advertising to children on TV : content, impact, and regulation / 3
HQ784.T4 G858 2005 Advertising to children on TV : content, impact, and regulation / 1
HQ784.T4 G86 1990 Children and television : the one eyed monster? / 1
HQ784.T4 G86 1997 Children and television / 1
HQ784.T4 G86 1997eb Children and television 1
HQ784.T4 G86 2021 Children and television consumption in the digital era : use, impact and regulation / 1
HQ784.T4 G865 1991 Children's views about television / 1
HQ784.T4 H4 Television and the child ; an empirical study of the effect of television on the young / 1
HQ784.T4 H4 1958 Television and the child ; an empirical study of the effect of television on the young / 1
HQ784.T4 H6 1986 Children and television : a semiotic approach / 1
HQ784.T4 H86 2012eb Wie das Fernsehen uns prägt : Auswirkungen von Fernsehkonsum auf Kinder und Jugendliche / 1
HQ784.T4 I54 1995 In front of the children : screen entertainment and young audiences / 1
HQ784.T4 J63 An evaluation of Freestyle : a television series to reduce sex-role stereotypes / 1
HQ784.T4 K38 The family guide to children's television: what to watch, what to miss, what to change, and how to do it. / 1
HQ784.T4 K57 1993 Out of the garden : toys, TV, and children's culture in the age of marketing / 2
HQ784.T4 L34 Television's impact on children and adolescents / 1