Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ79 .G3 Les fe⁺ѓtichistes, pervertis et invertis sexuels, observations me⁺ѓdico-le⁺ѓgales / 1
HQ79.G458 2014eb Flogging Others : Corporal Punishment and Cultural Identity from Antiquity to the Present. 2
HQ79 .G458 2014eb  
HQ79 .G63 2023 Kink-affirming practice : culturally competent therapy from the leather chair / 1
HQ79 .G64 2021 The leather couch : clinical practice with kinky clients / 1
HQ79 .G78 1977 Hard corps : studies in leather and sadomasochism / 1
HQ79 .H36 1998 Between the body and the flesh : performing sadomasochism / 1
HQ79 .H64 The pseudo revolution : a critical study of extremist "liberation" in sex. 1
HQ79 .J66 2017 The mayor of Folsom Street : the auto/biography of "Dady Alan" Selby aka Mr. S / 1
HQ79 .K357 2016eb Heilige Qual und die Lust am Schmerz : SpiritualitÄnt und Sadomasochismus. 1
HQ79 .K43 2014 Vicarious kinks : s/m in the socio-legal imaginary / 1
HQ79 .L3513 2007 In praise of the whip : a cultural history of arousal / 1
HQ79 .L48 2018 The emotional labor of the professional dominatrix / 1
HQ79 .L5 1998 Nue lian ya wen hua / 1
HQ79 .L554 2012eb Dominatrix gender, eroticism, and control in the dungeon / 1
HQ79 .L85 2023 A psychodynamic approach to female domination in BDSM relationships : sexuality between pleasure and work / 1
HQ79 .M36 1999 Object lessons : how to do things with fetishism / 1
HQ79 .M55 2013 The Triumphant Victim : A Psychoanalytical Perspective on Sadomasochism and Perverse Thinking / 1
HQ79 .M663 2016 Sexual myths of modernity : sadism, masochism, and historical teleology / 1
HQ79 .M67 1996 Bound to be free : the SM experience / 1