Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ792.S65 A97 1983 A book about bringing up children / 1
HQ792.S65 K45 2002 "The little citizens of a big country" : childhood and international relations in the Soviet Union / 1
HQ792.S65 K45 2007 Children's world : growing up in Russia, 1890-1991 / 2
HQ792.S65 P42 1990 Children of glasnost : growing up Soviet / 1
HQ792.S65 V57 1984 The privileged generation : children in the Soviet Union / 1
HQ792 .S7 Language and Muslim Immigrant Childhoods : the Politics of Belonging / 1
HQ792.S7 ebook Por si llegas a leernos querido Walter /
Con los niños no se juega /
La infancia en España y Portugal, siglos XVI-XIX
HQ792.S7 F67 2016 The formation of the child in early modern Spain / 1
HQ792.S7 M6 El niño en la cultura española : ante la medicina y otras ciencias; la historia, las letras, las artes y las costumbres. 1
HQ792.S72 C53 2014 Childhood in a Sri Lankan village : shaping hierarchy and desire / 3
HQ792.S73 K38 2004 Growing up global : economic restructuring and children's everyday lives / 1
HQ792.S73 K38 2004eb Growing up global : economic restructuring and children's everyday lives / 1
HQ792.S8 -- L56 2005 Me we generation 1
HQ792.T65 B75 2017eb Early childhood development in Tonga : baseline results from the Tongan Early Human Capability Index / 1
HQ792.T8 W44 1992 "Nothing unusual" : the torture of children in Turkey. 1
HQ792.T9 C45 2016 Childhood in the late Ottoman Empire and after / 3
HQ792.T9 E64 2021 Les enfants terribles / 1
HQ792.T9 M35 2019 Ottoman children and youth during World War I / 1
HQ792.T95 Childhood in Turkey educational, sociological, and psychological perspectives / 1
HQ792.U3 War, violence, and children in Uganda / 1