Call Number (LC) Title Results
HQ806 .C67 Bishop Cozens's argument, proving, that adultery works a dissolution of the marriage being the substance of several of Bishop Cozens his speeches in the House of Lords, upon the debate of Lord Ross's case : taken from original papers writ in the Bishop's own hand. 2
HQ806 .C67 1700 Bishop Cozens's argument, proving, that adultery works a dissolution of the marriage being the substance of several of Bishop Cozens his speeches in the House of Lords, upon the debate of Lord Ross's case : taken from original papers writ in the Bishop's own hand. 1
HQ806 .C67 1989 Why men cheat : psychological profiles of the adulterous male / 1
HQ806 .C83 2014 Cuckoldry, impotence and adultery in Europe (15th-17th century) / 1
HQ806 .D47 1999 Adultery / 2
HQ806 .D47 1999eb Adultery / 1
HQ806 .D66 2001 Perfect wives, other women : adultery and inquisition in early modern Spain / 1
HQ806 .D67 2001 Perfect wives, other women adultery and inquisition in early modern Spain / 1
HQ806 .D78 2007 Lust in translation : the rules of infidelity from Tokyo to Tennessee / 1
HQ806 .D783 2014 L'art d'être infidèle : Un essai sur la monogamie à travers le monde. 1
HQ806 .F38 2019 Unfaithful : love, adultery, and marriage reform in nineteenth-century America / 2
HQ806 .F687 2018 Les Cocus : ou Hiérarchie du cocuage. 1
HQ806 .F7 1771i Free thoughts on seduction, adultery, and divorce with reflections on the gallantry of princes, particularly those of the Blood-royal of England : occasioned by the late intrigue between his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland and Henrietta, wife of the Right Honourable Richard Lord Grosvenor : also remarks on the trial at law between his Lordship and his Royal Highness in consequence of that illicit amour : with observations on the depositions since taken in the cause depending in Doctors-Commons, between Lord Grosvenor and his Lady / 1
HQ806 .G75 1999 The mistress : histories, myths and interpretations of the "other woman" / 1
HQ806 .H49 1992 The erotic silence of the American wife / 2
HQ806 .H8 The affair : a portrait of extra-marital love in contemporary America / 1
HQ806 .I54 2007eb Infidelity : a practitioner's guide to working with couples in crisis / 1
HQ806 (INTERNET) Bishop Cozens's argument, proving, that adultery works a dissolution of the marriage being the substance of several of Bishop Cozens his speeches in the House of Lords, upon the debate of Lord Ross's case : taken from original papers writ in the Bishop's own hand.
A letter to a member of Parliament with two discourses enclosed in it : I. the one shewing the reason why a law should pass to punish adultery with death, II. the other shewing the reasons why the writ, De hæretico comburendo, should be abolish'd.
The iust dovvn[fall of] ambition, adultery, and murder where-vnto are added 3. notorious sinners. Weston. M. Turner and Fran[klin] With his arraignement, confession and e[xecution] VVho all suffered death for the [mur]der if Sir Tho: Ouerbury, poysone[d in] the Tower : of whom to these discourses [is] ioyned an elegy, vpon the death of Sir Thomas Ouerbury.
Conjugium languens, or, The natural, civil, and religious mischiefs arising from conjugal infidelity and impunity
[The] Judgment of the reformed churches that a man may lawfully not only put away his vvife for her adultery, but also marry another.
A discourse on fornication shewing the greatness of that sin, and examining the excuses pleaded for it, from the examples of antient times : to which is added an appendix concerning concubinage : as also a remark on Mr. Butler's explication of Hebr. xiii, 4 in his late book on that subject /
HQ806 .K48 2003 Against love : a polemic / 1
HQ806 .L38 1987 Adultery in the United States : close encounters of the sixth (or seventh) kind / 2