Internal Revenue Repeal Bills Appendix: hearings before the United States House Committee on Ways and Means, Forty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Feb. 28, 1884. |
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Tariff hearings before the United States House Committee on Ways and Means, Forty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Feb. 18, 25, 1884. |
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Internal Revenue Repeal Bills. Appendix: hearings before the United States House Committee on Ways and Means, Forty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Feb. 28, 1884. |
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Duty on Shipbuilding Materials hearings before the United States House Committee on Ways and Means, Forty-Eighth Congress, first session, on Apr. 8, 1884. |
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[Efficiency of Staff at the Pension Office] |
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Report of Select Committee on Interstate Commerce. Testimony as to the Regulation of Interstate Commerce by Congress: hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Interstate Commerce, Forty-Ninth Congress, first session and Forty-Eighth Congress, second session, on May 20-23, 25-29, June 12, 13, 15, 17-20, 22-25, Nov. 12, 13, 16-18, 1885. |
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Railway Question hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Interstate Commerce, Forty-Ninth Congress, first session and Forty-Eighth Congress, second session, on May 21, 1885. |
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Testimony Taken by the Select Committee To Make Certain Inquiries Touching Expenditures of Appropriations for the Indian Service and the Yellowstone Park, and Other Objects, Under Act of March 3, 1885 hearings before the United States House Select Committee To Make Certain Inquiries Touching Expenditures of Appropriations for the Indian Service and the Yellowstone Park, and Other Objects, Forty-Ninth Congress, first session and Forty-Eighth Congress, second session, on July 17, 22-24, 27, Aug. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 17-20, 24, 25, 29, Sept. 3, 4, 7, Oct. 15, 20, 24, 30, 31, Nov. 3, 6, 1885. |
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Ordnance and War Ships hearings before the United States. |
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Testimony in Regard to the Manufacture and Sale of Imitation Dairy Products hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Apr. 28, 29, June 15-18, 1886. |
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Notes of a Hearing May 7, 1886, on the Proposed Establishment of a School Under the Direction of the Industrial Christian Home Association of Utah, To Provide Means of Self-Support for the Dependent Classes in that Territory, and To Aid in the Suppression of Polygamy Therein hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Education and Labor, Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on May 7, 1886. |
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Investigation of Labor Troubles in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, and Illinois. hearings before the United States House Select Committee on Existing Labor Troubles, Forty-Ninth Congress, second session and Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Apr. 10, 13, 20-23, May 1, 4-6, 8, 10-13, 15, 1886. |
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Investigation of Labor Troubles in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, and Illinois. hearings before the United States House Select Committee on Existing Labor Troubles, Forty-Ninth Congress, second session and Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on May 3, 5-8, 10-12, 14, 1886. |
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Mackerel Fishery |
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Testimony Taken by Committee on Finance on Undervaluation of Imported Merchandise hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Finance, Subcommittee on Undervaluation, Forty-Ninth Congress, second session and Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Feb. 12, 13, Mar. 4, 5, 19, 20, Apr. 2, 3, May 13, 1886. |
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Drawback on Exported Tin hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Finance, Forty-Seventh Congress, second session and Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Apr. 26, 1886. |
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Treasury Surplus and Public Debt hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Finance, Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on July 20, 1886. |
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Mexican Claims Awards in Favor of La Abra Silver Mining Company and Benjamin Weil: hearings before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Forty-Ninth Congress, first session, on May 14, 21, 22, 1886. |
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[Requesting Additional Funds for the Establishment of Agricultural Experiment Stations] |
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[Bureau of Animal Industry Proposed Reorganization] |
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