Removal of the Apache Indian Prisoners hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Feb. 15, 1890. |
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Amendment to Act To Regulate Commerce hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on July 10, 1890. |
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Automatic Couplers and Power-Brakes hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Apr. 30, May 14-16, 1890. |
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Hearing in Relation to Amendments to the Act To Regulate Commerce hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on June 4, 1890. |
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Irrigation in the U.S. hearings before the United States House Select Committee on Irrigation, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Feb. 6, 8, 1890. |
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Irrigation in the U.S. hearings before the United States House Select Committee on Irrigation, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Feb. 27, Mar. 1, 13, 15, 27, Apr. 10, 17, 24, 1890. |
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Immigration Investigation hearings before the United States House Select Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, and Senate Committee on Immigration, Fifty-First Congress, second session, on Mar. 13, 20, Apr. 8-11, 15-18, 22-26, May 1, 15, 20, 26-29, June 2-4, 6, 7, 19, July 17, 1890. |
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Removal of Apache Indian Prisoners to Fort Sill hearings before the United States House Committee on Indian Affairs, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Feb. 10, 1890. |
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Removal of Apache Indian Prisoners to Fort Sill hearings before the United States House Committee on Indian Affairs, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Feb. 15, 1890. |
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[Council Held with a Delegation of Sioux Indians] |
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Report of the Special Committee of the U.S. Senate on the Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands. hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Jan. 17, 21, 24, 31, Mar. 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 28, 1890. |
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Vessels of the New Navy hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Jan. 15, 21, Feb. 25, 1890. |
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Most Desirable Locations for Navy Yards and Dry Docks on the Coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Mar. 27, 31, 1890. |
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Hearing in Relation to the Bill (S. 2779) To Regulate the Number of Officers in the Engineer Corps of the Navy hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-First Congress, second session, on Dec. 10, 1890. |
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Ohio Ballot-Box Contract hearings before the United States House Select Committee To Investigate the Ohio Ballot-Box Contract, Fifty-First Congress, first session and Fifty-First Congress, second session, on Jan. 16-18, 20, Feb. 3-7, 10-12, Mar. 15, 17, Apr. 28, 30, 1890. |
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Postal Telegraph Facilities hearings before the United States House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Feb. 11, 18, 21, 28, Mar. 1, 4, 7, 1890. |
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Postal Telegraph Facilities hearings before the United States House Committee on Post-Office and Post-Roads, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Mar. 11, 21, 25, 1890. |
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Postal Telegraph Facilities hearings before the United States House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Mar. 14, 1890. |
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Arguments Before a Special Committee of the U.S. Senate in Support of the Application of the Citizens of Chicago for the Location in Their City of the World's Exposition of 1892 hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Quadricentennial, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Jan. 11, 1890. |
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Hearings Before the Quadro-Centennial Committee of the U.S. Senate with Respect to the Commemoration of the Four-Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of America hearings before the United States Senate Select Committee on Quadricentennial, Fifty-First Congress, first session, on Jan. 11, 1890. |
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