Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1904-HAP-0004 Fortification Appropriation Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Fortification Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Feb. 11, 12, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HAP-0005 Fortification Appropriation Bill, Concerning Senate Amendments hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Fortification Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Mar. 22, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HAP-0006 Fortification Appropriation Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Dec. 14, 15, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HAP-0007 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Bill for 1906 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Nov. 20, 30, Dec. 1, 2, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HAP-0008 Deficiency Appropriations for 1903 and Prior Years, on Urgent Deficiency Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Deficiency Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Jan. 15, 16, 18, 19, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HAP-0009 Deficiency Appropriations for 1904 and Prior Years, on General Deficiency Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Deficiency Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Apr. 6, 8, 9, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HAP-0010 Deficiency Appropriations for 1905 and Prior Years, on Urgent Deficiency Bill. Chicago Public Building, Equipment, Test of Coals and Lignites: hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Deficiency Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Dec. 10, 12, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HIH-0001 Committee Reports, Hearings, and Acts of Congress Corresponding Thereto hearings before the United States House Committee on Insular Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Feb. 10, Mar. 16, 17, 21, 23, 24, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0001 Anti-Injunction Bill. hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Jan. 13, Feb. 8, 24-26, Mar. 22, 23, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0002 Anti-Injunction Bill. hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Mar. 22, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0003 Hepburn-Dolliver Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Jan. 20, Mar. 2-4, 24, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0004 Impeachment of Judge Charles Swayne hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Feb. 13, 15, 16, 18-20, 22, Mar. 8, Apr. 19, 20, Nov. 21-23, 25, 26, 28, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0005 Liability of Common Carriers hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Mar. 9, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0006 National Incorporation Law hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Feb. 10, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0007 Paper Trust hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Apr. 5, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0008 Stenographers in U.S. Courts hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Mar. 30, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0009 Woman's Suffrage hearings before the United States House Committee on the Judiciary, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Feb. 16, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HJH-0011 [Compensation for a Claim by Caleb W. Durham for a Piping Patent] 1
HRG-1904-HTH-0001 Alaska hearings before the United States House Committee on the Territories, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Feb. 8, 9, 22, 24, 1904. 1
HRG-1904-HTH-0002 Alaska hearings before the United States House Committee on the Territories, Fifty-Eighth Congress, second session, on Mar. 10, 1904. 1