Marine Corps, Statement of Brig. Gen. George F. Elliott, Commandant hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 10, 1905. |
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Statement of Admiral C. M. Chester, Superintendent Naval Observatory hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 11, 1905. |
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Statement of Capt. Wm. Swift hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 13, 1905. |
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Pay Question -- Statement of Captain Swift and Samuel McGowan hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 11, 1905. |
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Reorganization of the Hospital Corps of the Navy. Establishment and Organization of a Corps of Dentists in the U.S. Navy hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 18, 1905. |
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Statement of Hon. W. E. Humphrey, Representative from the State of Washington hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 3, 1905. |
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Naval Appropriation Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 26, 1905. |
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Statement of Hon. H. A. Herbert and Others on H.R. 16803 hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Feb. 3, 1905. |
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Statement of Senator Ball and Representative Houston on S. 7042, Regarding Acceptance of Torpedo Boats Stringham and Goldsborough hearings before the United States House Committee on Naval Affairs, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session. |
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Proceedings in the Matter of the Protests Against the Right of Hon. Reed Smoot, a Senator from the State of Utah, To Hold His Seat. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, Fifty-Ninth Congress, first session and Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 18-21, 23-28, 1905. |
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Printing of Hearings Before Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce During Fifty-Eighth Congress hearings before the United States House Committee on Printing, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session. |
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Report of Congressional Printing Investigation Commission. |
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Hearings on H.R. 18464, for Homesteads of Six Hundred and Forty Acres Within Certain Limits in the State of South Dakota; also on H.R. 18787, for a Certain Area Within the State of Colorado hearings before the United States House Committee on Public Lands, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 16, 18, 20, 25, Feb. 1, 1905. |
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Preservation of Prehistoric Ruins on the Public Lands hearings before the United States House Committee on Public Lands, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Jan. 11, 1905. |
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H.R. 18756, " Defining Certain Publications of the Second Class and Fixing the Rate of Postage Thereon" hearings before the United States House Committee on Post Office and Post Roads, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Feb. 7, 10, 1905. |
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Post-Office Appropriation Bill hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Feb. 15, 1905. |
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Revenue for the Philippine Islands hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Philippines, and House Committee on Ways and Means, Fifty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Aug. 7-10, 15, 16, 1905, Jan. 20, 22, 25, 26, 29-31, Feb. 1, 5, 7-9, 13-16, 19-21, 23, 28, 1906. |
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Philippine Tariff hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Philippines, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Feb. 23, 1905. |
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Hearing to Accompany the Bill H.R. 480 Supplemental to an Act Making Appropriations for Isthmian Canal Construction hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Fifty-Ninth Congress, first session, on Dec. 12, 1905. |
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D.C. Appropriation Bill hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Fifty-Eighth Congress, third session, on Feb. 1, 2, 1905. |
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