Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1908-HAP-0001 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Bill for 1909 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Jan. 9, 11, 14, 23-25, 27-31, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0002 D.C. Appropriation Bill for 1909 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Feb. 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0004 D.C. Appropriation Bill for 1909. Public School Buildings: hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on D.C. Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Mar. 21, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0005 D.C. Appropriation Bill for 1910 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on D.C. Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, second session, on Dec. 7, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0008 Fortification Appropriation Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Fortification Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Feb. 17-20, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0009 Fortification Appropriation Bill. Cost of Producing Electric Current: hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Fortification Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on May 5, 12, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0010 D.C. Appropriation Bill for 1909 Supplement: Concerning Public Schools: hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0011 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Bill for 1910 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, second session, on Dec. 1-5, 8, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0012 Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill for 1909 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Mar. 18, 19, 23-28, 30, 31, Apr. 1-4, 6, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0013 Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill for 1909, Concerning Addition to Rock Creek Park hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on May 16, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0014 Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill for 1909 Concerning H.R. 17295 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Mar. 4, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0015 Deficiency Appropriations for 1908 and Prior Years, on Urgent Deficiency Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Deficiency Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Jan. 15-18, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0016 Deficiency Appropriations for 1908 and Prior Years, on Urgent Deficiency in Appropriation for Armament and Armor for Naval Vessels hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Mar. 26, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0017 Deficiency Appropriations for 1908 and Prior Years on General Deficiency Bill hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Deficiency Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on May 11, 12, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0018 Hearings Concerning Message of the President on Grades and Salaries in the Executive Departments hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Mar. 8, 14, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HAP-0019 Pension Appropriation Bill for 1909 hearings before the United States House Committee on Appropriations, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Jan. 27, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HCH-0001 Census of Standing Timber hearings before the United States House Committee on the Census, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Jan. 31, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HCH-0002 Thirteenth Census hearings before the United States House Committee on the Census, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Jan. 22, 25, Feb. l, 8, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HIH-0001 Catholic Church Claims in the Philippine Islands hearings before the United States House Committee on Insular Affairs, Sixtieth Congress, first session, on Jan. 16, 20-23, 1908. 1
HRG-1908-HIH-0003 Committee Reports, Hearings, and Acts of Congress Corresponding Thereto. 1