Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1938-NAH-0082 [Committee Business Meeting on Miscellaneous Legislation] 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0083 [To Provide for the Advancement of Arthur W. Bass on the Retired List of the Navy] 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0084 [Authorizing the Superintendent of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, To Accept Gifts and Bequests for the Purpose of Constructing a Museum Building on Land now Owned by the U.S. Government] 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0085 [For the Relief of John Thomas Allen] 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0086 [Authorization To Construct Naval Reserve Armory at St. Paul, Minnesota] 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0087 [For the Relief of Martin Bevilacque] 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0088 Oakland, California, Naval Supply Depot 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0089 [For the Employment of Honorary Retired Officers] 1
HRG-1938-NAH-0090 [For the Relief of Joseph McDonnell] 1
HRG-1938-NAV-0001 Naval Expansion Program hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Apr. 4-8, 11-13, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-NAV-0002 Reinstatement of Frederick Krupp hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on May 17, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-NAV-0003 Regulate the Distribution, Promotion, and Retirement of Officers of the Line of the Navy hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Naval Affairs, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on May 4-6, 9-11, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-NEC-0001 Investigation of Concentration of Economic Power. hearings before the United States Temporary National Economic Committee, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Dec. 1-3, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-NEC-0002 Investigation of Concentration of Economic Power. hearings before the United States Temporary National Economic Committee, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Dec. 5, 6, 12-16, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-PAS-0001 Department of Science, Art and Literature. hearings before the United States House Committee on Patents, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Feb. 7-11, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-PAS-0002 Trade-Marks hearings before the United States House Committee on Patents, Subcommittee on Trade-Marks, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Mar. 15-18, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-PAS-0003 Hubbell Patents hearings before the United States House Committee on Patents, Subcommittee on Hubbell Patents, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Mar. 3, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-PAS-0004 Importation of Goods Covered by U.S. Patents (Process Patents on Phosphate Rock) hearings before the United States House Committee on Patents, Subcommittee on Phosphate Rock Process Patents, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on May 5, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-PAS-0005 Compulsory Licensing of Patents hearings before the United States House Committee on Patents, Subcommittee on Compulsory Licensing of Patents, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Mar. 21-25, 28-31, 1938. 1
HRG-1938-PBG-0001 Public Buildings and Grounds hearings before the United States House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Seventy-Fifth Congress, third session, on Jan. 21, 1938. 1