Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1941-MMF-0044 To Convey Certain Property to the Southwest Texas State Teachers College 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0045 To Incorporate the Union Church of the Canal Zone 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0046 [Fish-Cultural Station at Spearfish, South Dakota] 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0047 Fish-Cultural Station at Spearfish, South Dakota 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0048 To Authorize the Secretary of the Treasury To Requisition or Purchase Motorboats, Yachts, and Similar Vessels for Coast Guard Use 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0049 [To Authorize the Secretary of the Treasury To Requisition or Purchase Motorboats, Yachts, and Similar Vessels for Coast Guard Use] 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0050 To Amend the Canal Zone Code so as To Provide for Control of Photographing, Possession of Cameras, and so Forth, in Areas of the Canal Zone 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0051 Inquiry into Freight Forwarding 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0052 To Amend the Canal Zone Code in Relation to the Control of Marijuana 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0053 To Amend the Canal Zone Code in Relation to the Control of Marijuana 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0054 Merchant Marine Inquiry Forwarders. 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0055 Amending Canal Zone Code with Respect to Chattel Mortgages and Taking Vehicles for Use or Operation 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0056 To Amend the Act of April 6, 1938, Entitled "An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury To Exchange Sites at Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, for Coast Guard Purposes" 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0057 Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury To Convey a Portion of the Lighthouse Reservation, Biloxi, Mississippi, to the City of Biloxi 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0058 [To Declare Abandoned the Title of the City of Marquette, Michigan, to Certain Land in the County of Marquette, and To Vest Control of Such Land in the Secretary of the Treasury for Coast Guard Purposes] 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0059 To Authorize U.S. Maritime Commission To Adjust Certain Obligations, and For Other Purposes 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0060 To Authorize the Maritime Commission To Sell Two Merchant Vessels to the Government of the Republic of Eire 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0061 To Permit Travel by a Ship of Canadian Registry Between American Ports 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0062 To Permit Travel by a Ship of Canadian Registry Between American Ports 1
HRG-1941-MMF-0063 [To Expedite Certain Strategic Materials from Alaska to U.S] 1