Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1942-ICS-0006 Regulation of Sizes and Weights of Motor Vehicles. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Jan. 12-16, 19, 20, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0007 Prohibiting Interstate Commerce in Dentures in Violation of State or Territorial Dental Laws hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee on S. 2371, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 15-17, 20, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0008 Consolidations and Mergers of Telegraph Operations hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee on S. 2445, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Apr. 23, 24, 29, 30, May 5, 7, 8, 13, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0009 Expediting Loading and Unloading of Railroad Freight Cars. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee on S.J. Res. 147, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on June 30, July 1, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0010 Use of Mechanical Reproduction of Music hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee on S. Res. 286, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Sept. 17, 18, 21, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0011 To Amend the Communications Act of 1934 hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee on H.R. 7370, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Dec. 9, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0012 Requisitioning of Railroad Property hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee on S. Res. 297, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session and Seventy-Eighth Congress, first session, on Oct. 6-9, Dec. 2, 3, 5, 1942, Jan. 13, 1943. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0013 Voluntary Adjustment of Railroad Obligations hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, Subcommittee on H.R. 7121, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Aug. 12, 14, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0014 Confirmation of Reappointment of John W. Scott as Member of Federal Power Commission 1
HRG-1942-ICS-0015 Confirmation of James Lawrence Fly, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission 1
HRG-1942-IFL-0001 Investigation of Western Farm Labor Conditions. hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee To Investigate Farm Labor Conditions in the West, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Nov. 23-25, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-IFL-0002 Investigation of Western Farm Labor Conditions. hearings before the United States Senate Special Committee To Investigate Farm Labor Conditions in the West, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Nov. 30, Dec. 1-3, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0001 Documentary Evidence of Citizenship hearings before the United States House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on Feb. 11, 12, 17, 1942. 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0002 Preserving the Nationality of a Person Born in Puerto Rico 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0003 Preserving the Nationality of a Person Born in Puerto Rico 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0004 Investigation of Alien Status 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0005 [To Authorize Citizenship Eligibility for Aliens in the Armed Forces in World War II] 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0006 [Ten Private Bills for Consideration] 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0007 [For the Relief of Rachib Shriay] 1
HRG-1942-IMN-0008 [For the Relief of Constantinos Dardas] 1