Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1942-MMF-0043 [To Amend the Act Entitled "An Act Authorizing Vessels of Canadian Registry To Transport Iron Ore on the Great Lakes During 1942"] 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0044 [Authorizing the Temporary Appointment or Advancement of Commissioned Officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Time of War or National Emergency] 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0045 Authorizing the Temporary Appointment or Advancement of Commissioned Officers of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Time of War or National Emergency, and for Other Purposes 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0046 Qualifications of Filipinos for Coast Guard Service 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0047 [Qualifications of Filipinos for Coast Guard Service] 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0048 To Amend the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941, as Amended, so as To Expedite the War Effort by Providing for Releasing Officers and Men for Duty at Sea and Their Replacement by Women in the Shore Establishment of the Coast Guard, and for Other Purposes 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0049 [Suspension of the Cancellation of U.S. Maritime Commission's Shipbuilding Contracts with Higgins Shipbuilding Corp] 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0050 [To Provide That Employees Who Leave Their Positions To Serve in the Merchant Marine Shall Be Restored to Their Positions upon Termination of Service] 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0051 [To Amend and Clarify Certain Provisions of the Law Relating to Functions of the War Shipping Administration, and for Other Purposes] 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0052 [Investigation of Steel Shortage] 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0053 Investigation of Steel Shortage 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0054 Investigation of Steel Shortage 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0055 Steel Shortage 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0056 Shortage of Steel for Shipbuilding 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0057 Shortage of Steel for Shipbuilding 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0058 Shortage of Steel for Shipbuilding 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0059 Shortage of Steel for Shipbuilding 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0060 Shortage of Steel for Shipbuilding 1
HRG-1942-MMF-0061 Shortage of Steel for Shipbuilding 1
HRG-1942-MMH-0001 Production of Gasoline from Coal and Other Products hearings before the United States House Committee on Mines and Mining, Subcommittee on Mines and Mining, Seventy-Seventh Congress, second session, on June 17, 18, 25, July 15, 1942. 1