Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1946-PLH-0014 [To Provide Basic Authority for the Performance of Certain Functions and Activities of the National Park Service] 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0015 To Grant to the City of Miles City, State of Montana, Certain Land in Custer County, Montana, for Industrial and Recreational Purposes and as a Museum Site 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0016 [To Revise the Boundaries of Wind Cave National Park in the State of South Dakota] 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0017 [To Provide for the Acquisition by Exchange of Non-Federal Property Within Glacier National Park] 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0018 To Encourage and Protect Oil Refineries not Having Their Own Source of Supply for Crude Oil by Extending Preference to Such Refineries in Disposing of Royalty Oil Under the Mineral Lands Leasing Act 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0019 To Convey Certain Lands to the State of Wyoming 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0020 To Change the Designation of Custer Battlefield National Cemetery, in the State of Montana, to "Custer Battlefield National Monument," and for Other Purposes 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0021 [To Amend the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, as Amended, in Order To Promote the Development of Oil and Gas on the Public Domain] 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0022 To Amend the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, as Amended, in Order To Promote the Development of Oil and Gas on the Public Domain, and for Other Purposes 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0023 To Amend the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25, 1920 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0024 [To Fix the Salary of the Solicitor of the Department of Interior] 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0025 [To Authorize the Availability for Certain Necessary Administrative Expenses of Appropriations for the Department of Interior] 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0026 To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior To Quitclaim to the Heirs of Jesus Gonzales all Right, Title, and Interest of the U.S. in a Certain Described Tract of Land Within the Carson National Forest, New Mexico 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0027 To Amend the Act of March 22, 1946, for the Purpose of Correcting the Description of the Small Parcel of Land Authorized To Be Conveyed to the State of Wyoming by Such Act 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0028 To Authorize Revisions in the Boundary of the Hopewell Village National Historic Site, Pennsylvania, and for Other Purposes 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0029 Disposition of Public Lands in Oklahoma and Texas 1
HRG-1946-PLH-0030 Relating to the Disposition of Public Lands of the U.S. Situated in the State of Oklahoma Between the Cimarron Base Line and the North Boundary of the State of Texas 1
HRG-1946-PLV-0001 Nomination of Julius A. Krug for Appointment as Secretary of the Interior hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Mar. 5, 1946. 1
HRG-1946-PLV-0002 Development of Oil and Gas on the Public Domain. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on May 7-9, 1946. 1
HRG-1946-PLV-0003 Federal Contributions to State and Local Governmental Units with Respect to Federally Owned Real Estate. San Francisco, California: hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, Seventy-Ninth Congress, second session, on Dec. 3, 4, 1946. 1