Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1952-IIA-0221 [To Set Aside Certain Lands in Oklahoma, Formerly a Part of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, and Known as the Fort Reno Military Reservation, for the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Indians of Oklahoma] 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0222 [To Set Aside Certain Lands in Oklahoma, Formerly a Part of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, and Known as the Fort Reno Military Reservation, for the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Indians of Oklahoma] 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0223 To Set Aside Certain Lands in Oklahoma, Formerly a Part of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, and Known as the Fort Reno Military Reservation, for the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Indians of Oklahoma 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0224 To Set Aside Certain Lands in Oklahoma, Formerly a Part of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, and Known as the Fort Reno Military Reservation, for the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Indians of Oklahoma 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0225 To Set Aside Certain Lands in Oklahoma, Formerly a Part of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, and Known as the Fort Reno Military Reservation, for the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Indians of Oklahoma 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0226 [Deferral of Lease Applications, Fort Reno Military Reservation, Okla] 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0227 Transfer of Land to Board of Education, Florida 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0228 [Land Sale to the Catholic Society of Alaska] 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0229 Land Sale to the Catholic Society of Alaska 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0230 To Amend the Act Entitled "An Act Relating to the Compensation of Commissioners for the Territory of Alaska," Approved March 15, 1948 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0231 [To Amend the Act Entitled "An Act Relating to the Compensation of Commissioners for the Territory of Alaska," Approved March 15, 1948] 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0232 To Authorize a Depository for Klamath Tribal Loan Funds 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0233 To Include Other Public Purposes and To Permit Nonprofit Organizations To Lease Public Lands for Certain Purposes 1
HRG-1952-IIA-0234 [To Authorize Depository for Klamath Tribal Loan Fund] 1
HRG-1952-INS-0001 Submerged Lands hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Eighty-Second Congress, second session, on Feb. 7, 1952. 1
HRG-1952-INS-0002 Santa Margarita River Project, California hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on H.R. 5368 and S. 2809, Eighty-Second Congress, second session, on July 1, 2, 1952. 1
HRG-1952-INS-0004 Approving Puerto Rican Constitution hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Eighty-Second Congress, second session, on Apr. 29, May 6, 1952. 1
HRG-1952-INS-0005 Amendatory Repayment Contracts, North Platte Project hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Eighty-Second Congress, second session, on Apr. 25, 1952. 1
HRG-1952-INS-0006 Bureau of Reclamation, Interior Department hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, and Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Second Congress, second session, on Nov. 28, 29, 1952. 1
HRG-1952-INS-0007 Attorney Contracts with Indians. Volume 3 1