Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1955-AEJ-0002 Development, Growth, and State of the Atomic Energy Industry. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on Feb. 7-10, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0003 Development, Growth, and State of the Atomic Energy Industry. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on Feb. 28, Mar. 1-3, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0004 AEC-FCDA Relationship hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Subcommittee on Security, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on Mar. 24, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0005 Health and Safety Problems and Weather Effects Associated with Atomic Explosions hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on Apr. 15, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0006 Authorizing Legislation hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Subcommittee on Authorizing Legislation, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on May 2, 9, 10, 31, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0007 Disposal of Government-Owned Community at Oak Ridge, Tenn. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Disposal of Government-Owned Communities, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on June 10, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0008 Disposal of Government-Owned Community at Richland, Wash. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Disposal of Government-Owned Communities, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on July 5, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0009 Disposal of Government-Owned Community at Los Alamos, N.Mex. hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Disposal of Government-Owned Communities, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on Sept. 6, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0010 Radiation Sterilization of Foods hearings before the United States Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Subcommittee on Research and Development, Eighty-Fourth Congress, first session, on May 9, 1955. 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0011 Aircraft Propulsion Reactor 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0012 Nuclear Powered Merchant Ships 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0013 Agreements for Cooperation 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0014 General Business Session of the Full Committee; Action of the Committee on Atomic-powered Merchant Vessel 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0015 Meeting of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Conference Room, Hotel du Rhone, Geneva, Switzerland 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0016 Radiation Sterilization of Foods 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0017 Atomic Energy Building 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0018 Presentations of the Quartermaster Corps and Signal Corps with Reference to Non-Weapons Uses 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0019 Agreements with Turkey, Colombia, and Brazil 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0020 Committee Business 1
HRG-1955-AEJ-0021 Development of Rockets and Guided Missiles with Nuclear Warheads 1