Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1958-IIA-0103 [To Amend the Hawaiian Organic Act To Lower the Voting Age To Twenty Years] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0104 [Exchange of Land for Public Highway Purposes, Hawaii] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0105 To Permit States or Other Duly Constituted Taxing Authorities To Subject Persons To Liability for Payment of Property Taxes on Property Located in Federal Areas. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0106 Erection of National Monument Symbolizing the Ideals of Democracy. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0107 [Extension of Leases in Hawaii] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0108 [Otoe and Missouri Indians] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0109 [Otoe and Missouri Indians] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0110 To Amend the Hawaiian Organic Act with Respect to Interim Appointments by the Governor. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0111 [Restoration to Tribal Ownership of Vacant Lands on Indian Reservations] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0112 [To Amend Section 9, Subsection (d), of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0113 To Amend Section 9, Subsection (d), of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0114 [To Amend Section 9, Subsection (d), of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0115 To Amend Section 9, Subsection (d), of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0116 [Quitclaim U.S. Interest in Land in Smith County, Mississippi] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0117 [Quitclaim U.S. Interest in Land in Smith County, Mississippi] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0118 To Convey Certain Indian Land to Saint Anthony's Parish. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0119 To Authorize an Exchange of Lands at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0120 To Authorize an Exchange of Lands at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0121 [To Authorize an Exchange of Lands at Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas] 1
HRG-1958-IIA-0122 Construction of a Geophysical Institute in the Territory of Hawaii. 1