Youth Conservation Corps. |
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[Federal Grants and Contracts To Carry Out Projects with Respect to Techniques and Practices for the Prevention, Diminution, and Control of Juvenile Delinquency] |
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Educational Television Summary of Supplemental Field Hearings: hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications and Power, Eighty-Sixth Congress, first session. |
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International Health. Joint Resolution To Establish a National Institute for International Health and Medical Research: hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and Safety, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Feb. 9, 1960. |
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Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and Safety, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Mar. 14, 1960. |
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Register of Auto License Revocations hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and Safety, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Mar. 21, 1960. |
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Communications Act Amendments hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications and Power, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Apr. 12, 13, 1960. |
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Investigation of Regulatory Commissions and Agencies. Index to Parts 1-14: hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Eighty-Sixth Congress, first session and Eighty-Fifth Congress, second session. |
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Supplemental Air Carrier Certificates hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Transportation and Aeronautics, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on May 23, 24, 1960. |
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Color Additives hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Jan. 26, 27, 29, Feb. 10, 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 5, 6, May 9, 1960. |
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Independent Regulatory Agencies Legislation hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Mar. 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25, 29-31, Apr. 1, 4, 7, 8, 1960. |
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Air Pollution Control Progress hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and Safety, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Feb. 23, 24, 1960. |
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Television Booster Stations hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications and Power, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on June 6, 7, 1960. |
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Terms of Office -- Regulatory Commissions hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications and Power, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on June 8, 1960. |
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Passenger Train Service hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Transportation and Aeronautics, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Mar. 1, 2, 4, Apr. 6-8, May 3, 4, 6, 10, 1960. |
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National Milk Sanitation Act hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and Safety, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on Apr. 26-28, 1960. |
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Sale of Vested Enemy Property hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce and Finance, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on May 24, 1960. |
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Broker-Dealer License Fees hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce and Finance, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on June 6, 1960. |
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Hardwood Labeling hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Commerce and Finance, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on June 7, 8, 1960. |
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Delegation of FPC Functions hearings before the United States House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Communications and Power, Eighty-Sixth Congress, second session, on June 8, 1960. |
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