Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1962-SAH-0012 National Science Foundation Briefing hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Feb. 6, 7, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0013 Amending the Organic Act of the National Bureau of Standards hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on June 6, 26, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0014 NASA Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Decision hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 12, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0015 Limitation on Indirect Costs in Research Grants hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 30, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0016 Radio and Radar Astronomy hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on Applications and Tracking and Data Acquisition, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Sept. 24, 25, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0017 Project Anna: Geodetic Satellite System hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on Space Sciences, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on May 14-16, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0018 Project Advent: Military Communications Satellite Program hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Subcommittee on Space Sciences, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Aug. 15, 17, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0019 Qualifications for Astronauts hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Special Subcommittee on the Selection of Astronauts, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 17, 18, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0020 Research on New Transportation Methods (Ground Effect Machines) hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 11-13, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0021 Ways and Means of Effecting Economies in the National Space Program hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 24-26, Aug. 16, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAH-0022 Development of Large Solid Propellant Boosters hearings before the United States House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Special Subcommittee on Propulsion, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Aug. 8, 9, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0001 Budget for 1963 hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Jan. 29, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0002 Supplemental Appropriations for the Veterans Administration, 1962 hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Feb. 1, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0003 Treasury-Post Office Departments and Executive Office Appropriations for 1963 hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Mar. 7, 8, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0004 Second Supplemental Appropriation Bill for 1962 hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Apr. 4-6, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0005 Foreign Assistance and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1963 hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Aug. 22-24, 27-31, Sept. 5-7, 12-14, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0006 Labor -- Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations for 1963. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Feb. 20, 21, 23, Mar. 6-9, 16, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0007 Labor -- Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriations for 1963. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on Apr. 9, 10, 16, 17, May 15, 16, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0008 D.C. Appropriations for 1963. hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 10-13, 17-20, 24-26, 1962. 1
HRG-1962-SAP-0009 Military Construction Appropriations for 1963 hearings before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations, Eighty-Seventh Congress, second session, on July 27, Aug. 1-3, 6, 7, 9-11, 13-17, 1962. 1