Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1970-DCH-0010 To Exempt Federal Housing Administration and Veterans' Administration Mortgages and Loans from the Interest and Usury Laws of D.C. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0011 To Amend the D.C. Income and Franchise Tax Act of 1947 with Respect to the Taxation of Regulated Investment Companies. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0012 To Provide for the Fair and Impartial Letting of Public Contracts. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0013 To Provide Certain Medical and Surgical Services to Officers and Members of the Fire Department of D.C. and of Police Forces in D.C. Retired Under the Policemen and Firemen's Retirement and Disability Act for Total Disability. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0014 Supplemental to the Act of February 9, 1821, Incorporating the Columbia College, Now Known as the George Washington University, in D.C. and the Acts Amendatory or Supplemental Thereof; To Amend the D.C. Nonprofit Corporation Act To Provide Corporations Formed Under that Act with the Same Powers with Respect to Borrowing Money as Are Provided Corporations Formed Under the D.C. Business Corporation Act. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0015 To Amend the D.C. Cooperative Association Act. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0016 To Require Disclosure of Political Campaign Financing. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0017 To Regulate the Practice of Psychology in D.C. 1
HRG-1970-DCH-0018 To Promote Safe Driving and Eliminate the Reckless and Irresponsible Driver from the Streets and Highways of D.C. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0001 Water pollution in the National Capital region hearings, Ninety-first Congress, second session .. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0002 Judicial nominations for District of Columbia courts hearing, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on nominations of: Hubert B. Pair [and others] to be judges in District of Columbia courts. October 12, 1970. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0003 Health manpower needs in the District of Columbia hearing, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on S. 3974 ... June 29, 1970. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0004 Crime in the National Capital hearings, Ninety-first Congress, first [and second] session[s] .. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0005 Retirement and survivor benefits for police, firemen, and teachers hearings, Ninety-first Congress, second session. February 26 and March 17, 1970. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0006 Housing--financing and development hearing, Ninety-first Congress, second session, on S. 3011 ... [and] S. 3313 ... February 12, 1970. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0007 Crime in the National Capital hearings, Ninety-first Congress, first [and second] session[s] .. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0008 Airspace, space rental, and health services improvement hearing, Ninety-first Congress, second session ... April 2, 1970. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0009 Hotels and motels, estates, deeds, and immunity from taxation hearing, Ninety-first Congress, second session ... April 28, 1970. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0010 Water pollution in the National Capital region hearings, Ninety-first Congress, second session .. 1
HRG-1970-DCS-0011 Utilization and future of major airports in the National Capital region hearings, Ninety-first Congress, first session .. 1