Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1971-IIA-0184 Committee Business [Snohomish, Upper Skagit, and Snoqualmie and Skykomish Indian Claims] 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0185 Consideration of Budget for Conducting Energy Hearings. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0186 Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Convey Interest in Certain Water Rights to the State of Wyoming. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0187 Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior To Convey Interest in Certain Water Rights to the State of Wyoming. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0188 To Designate the Stratified Primitive Area as a Part of the Washakie Wilderness, Heretofore Known as the South Absaroka Wilderness, Shoshone National Forest, in the State of Wyoming. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0189 To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior To Modify the Operation of the Kortes Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, Wyoming, for Fishery Conservation. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0190 To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior To Modify the Operation of the Kortes Unit, Missouri River Basin Project, Wyoming, for Fishery Conservation. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0191 To Provide that the Cost of Certain Investigations by the Bureau of Reclamation Shall Be Nonreimbursable. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0192 To Provide for Deferment of Construction Charges Payable by Westlands Water District Attributable to Lands of the Naval Air Station, Lemoore, California, Included in Said District. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0193 To Amend the Act of July 18, 1958, To Provide for the Expansion of Cowpens National Battleground Site. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0194 To Declare that Certain Federally Owned Land Is Held by the U.S. in Trust for the Lac Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0195 To Declare that Certain Federally-Owned Land Is Held by the U.S. in Trust for the Lac Du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0196 [To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior To Engage in Feasibility Investigations of Certain Potential Water Resource Developments] 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0197 To Authorize the Secretary of the Interior To Engage in a Feasibility Investigation Relative to the North Side Pumping Division Extension, Minidoka Project. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0198 To Provide for the Disposition of Funds Appropriated To Pay Certain Judgments in Favor of the Iowa Tribes of Oklahoma and of Kansas and Nebraska. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0199 Committee Business [Iowa Indian Claim Funds] 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0200 To Increase the Authorization Limitation on Appropriations for Land Acquisition at the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0201 To Authorize Grants for the Navajo Community College. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0202 To Authorize Grants for the Navajo Community College. 1
HRG-1971-IIA-0203 To Provide for the Disposition of Funds Appropriated To Pay Judgments in Favor of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and the Miami Indians of Indiana in Indian Claims Commission Dockets Numbered 255, 256, 124-C, D, E, and F, and of Funds Appropriated To Pay a Judgment in Favor of the Miami Tribe of Indians in the Commissioner's Docket No. 251-A. 1