Marine mammal amendments hearings before the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session, on Save the great whales, H.J. Res. 923 ... April 30, 1976, Killer whales, H.R. 12460, H.R. 12646, S. 3130 ... May 4, 1976, Tuna-porpoise amendments, H.R. 13865, H.R. 13883 ... May 20, 21, 24, 1976. |
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Fish and wildlife miscellaneous hearings before the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, first-[second] session .. |
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Markup Session : H.R. 5523, a Bill To Improve the Administration of Fish and Wildlife Programs. |
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H.R. 5446, To Implement the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972. |
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Markup Session : H.R. 11619, To Authorize Further Appropriations for the Office of Environmental Quality Within the Council on Environmental Quality : H.R. 8092, To Extend Authorization for Appropriations Pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. |
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Markup Session : H.R. 11879, Deep Seabed Mining. |
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Markup Session : H.R. 11879, Deep Seabed Mining. |
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Markup Session : H.R. 11505 and H.R. 1195. |
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H.R. 10833, H.R. 9067, H.R. 13374, H.R. 6275, H.R. 12057, and H.R. 11418. |
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H.R. 14862, To Provide a Comprehensive System of Liability and Compensation for Oilspill Damage and Removal Costs : H.R. 9067, To Provide Additional Funds to the States for Carrying Out Restoration Projects and Programs; S. 1414, To Make the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands Eligible to Participate in Certain Federal Fisheries Programs; H.R. 13374, To Establish Minnesota River Valley National Wildlife Refuge; H.R. 14418, To Establish Pilot Program To Compensate Persons Who Suffer Loss or Damage from Predation by Endangered Species. |
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H.R. 14862, To Provide a Comprehensive System of Liability and Compensation for Oilspill Damage and Removal Costs : H.R. 9067, To Provide Additional Funds to the States for Carrying Out Restoration Projects and Programs; S. 1414, To Make the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands Eligible to Participate in Certain Federal Fisheries Programs; H.R. 13374, To Establish Minnesota River Valley National Wildlife Refuge; H.R. 14418, To Establish Pilot Program To Compensate Persons Who Suffer Loss or Damage from Predation by Endangered Species. |
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Draft Amendment to H.R. 10841, Amending the Intercoastal Shipping Act of 1933. |
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Mark Up : H.R. 10841, H.R. 13585, H.R. 15445, S. 3050. |
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H.R. 15262, To Provide for Certain Import Restrictions Against Enterprises Engaged in Prohibited Whaling Activities : H.R. 15469, To Authorize Funds for the Acquisition, Improvement, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance of the National Wildlife Refuge System Areas. |
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H.R. 3981, a Bill To Amend the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, To Authorize and Assist the Coastal States To Study, Plan For, Manage, and Control the Impact of Energy Resource Development Production Which Affects the Coastal Zone. |
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H.R. 11407, a Bill To Amend Title 14, United States Code, To Authorize the Admission of Additional Foreign Nationals to the Coast Guard Academy : H.R. 10192, a Bill To Amend Title 14, United States Code, To Provide for the Nondiscriminatory Appointment of Cadets to the United States Coast Guard Academy. |
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Markup Session : H.R. 9067, a Bill To Provide Additional Funds to the States for Carrying Out Restoration Projects and Programs : H.R. 5682, a Bill To Provide for Certain Additions to the Tinicum National Environmental Center; H.R. 8471, a Bill To Authorize the President to Prescribe Regulations Relating to the Purchase, Possession, Consumption, Use, and Transportation of Alcoholic Beverages in the Canal Zone; H.R. 13380, a Bill To Amend the Central, Wester, and South Pacific Fisheries Development Act To Extend the Appropriation Authorization Through FY79, and for Other Purposes. |
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H.R. 9294, a Bill To Provide a Comprehensive System of Liability and Compensation for Oilspill Damage and Removal Costs, To Implement the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage and the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage : H.R. 12347, a Bill To Establish a Uniform and Comprehensive Legal Regime Governing Liability and Compensation for Damages and Cleanup Costs Caused by Oil Pollution. |
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H. J. Res. 923, H. J. Res. 925, Save the Whales Act and H.R. 13865, Marine Mammal Protection Act. |
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H.R. 9294, a Bill To Provide a Comprehensive System of Liability and Compensation for Oilspill Damage and Removal Costs, To Implement the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage and the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage : H.R. 12347, a Bill To Establish a Uniform and Comprehensive Legal Regime Governing Liability and Compensation for Damages and Cleanup Costs Caused by Oil Pollution. |
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