H.R. 14844 : Estate and Gift Tax Reform Act of 1976. |
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H.R. 3605, Reduction in Beer Tax for Small Brewers : H.R. 14071, Interstate Horseracing Act of 1976. |
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S. 2371, To Provide for the Regulation of Mining Activity Within, and To Repeal the Application of Mining Laws to, Areas of the National Park System. |
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Hearing on Synthetic Fuels and Stripmining. |
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H.R. 12112, Loan Guarantees for Demonstration of New Energy Technologies. |
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H.R. 12677, Interstate and Foreign Commerce : Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Amendments : H.R. 12679, Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Extension of Programs for Health Services Research and Statistics and Medical Libraries; H.Res. 1186, Creating a Select Committee on Professional Sports. |
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H.R. 14932, Rail Amendments of 1976 : H.R. 12112, Loan Guarantees for Demonstration of New Energy Technologies; H. Res. 1540, Select Committee on Assassinations; S. 22, Copyright Law Revision; H.R. 15377, Extending the Export Administration Act; H.R. 13350, Energy Research and Development Administration Authorization--To Send to Conference Together the Bills H.R. 13350, H.R. 13676, and H.R. 12112; H.R. 13950, Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1976; H.R. 15, Regulating Lobbying and Related Activities; House Rule 32. |
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H.R. 15, Regulating Lobbying and Related Activities : H.R. 14970, Extending the Special Unemployment Assistance Program for One Year. |
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H. Res. 1526, Concerning Privileges of the House : H.R. 9067, Component Parts of Ammunition Tax. |
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H.R. 15069, Forest Management Act of 1976 : H.R. 12808, Peanut Act of 1976; H.R. 14319, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act of 1976; H.R. 15319, Habeas Corpus Rules; H.R. 14932, Rail Amendments of 1976. |
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H. Res. 875, Televising of Proceedings of the House of Representatives. |
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H. Res. 875, Televising of Proceedings of the House of Representatives. |
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H. Res. , Providing for the Consideration of Conference Reports and for Suspending the Provision Requiring a Two-Thirds Vote To Consider Reports of the Committee on Rules on the Same Day as Reported; H.R. 15636, Omnibus Rivers and Harbors; H.R. 15081, Authorizing the Disposal of Various Materials from the National Stockpile and the Supplemental Stockpile. |
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H.R. 3078, Authorizing the Establishment of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area in the State of Georgia : Civil Rights Attorneys' Fee Award Act of 1976. |
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S. 2278, the Civil Rights Attorneys' Fee Award Act of 1976. |
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H. Res. 875. |
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H.R. 10680, H.R. 6721, H.R. 10807. |
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H. Res. 982, H.R. 5247. |
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H.R. 11552, To Establish a Voter Registration Administration Within the Federal Election Commission for the Purpose of Administering a Voter Registration Program Through the Postal Service. |
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Hearing on Unemployment. |
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