Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1979-IIA-0095 H.R. 3758, To Amend the Date That Section 601 of the Covenant To Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands in Political Union with the United States of America Becomes Effective. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0096 Pending Business : H.R. 2710. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0097 Pending Business. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0098 Mark-Up Session : H.R. 2608. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0099 H.R. 2608, Mark-Up Session. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0100 Mark-Up : H.R. 2609. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0101 Pending Business : H.R. 3275. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0102 H.R. 2610, To Amend the Water Resources Planning Act (79 Stat. 244, As Amended) 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0103 H.R. 3000, To Authorize Appropriations to the Department of Energy for Civilian Programs for Fiscal Year 1980 and Fiscal Year 1981. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0104 H.R. 2610, To Amend the Water Resources Planning Act. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0105 Mark-Up of Section 401 of H.R. 3000. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0107 Discussion of H.R. 1967. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0108 H.R. 2071, To Amend the Water Resources Planning Act of 1965, As Amended : H.R. 4608, To Amend the Water Resources Planning Act. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0109 H.R. 2409. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0110 H.R. 2742, H.R. 4873, H.R. 4308, H.R. 4762. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0111 H.R. 3957, To Authorize and Direct the Secretary of Energy To Defer Repayment of Certain Reimbursable Costs Incurred by the Southwestern Power Administration and To Waive Certain Interest Costs. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0112 H.R. 4084. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0113 H.R. 4084 and H.R. 2111. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0114 Hearing on H.R. 2409. 1
HRG-1979-IIA-0115 Hearing on H.R. 2609. 1