Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1981-HEC-0130 H.R. 4927, Record Carrier Competition Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0131 Mark Up of H.R. 1311. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0132 Mark Up of H.R. 2120. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0133 Mark Up Session. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0134 Mark Up Session : Conrail Private Sector Ownership Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0135 Markup of H.R. 3238. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0136 Mark-Up of H.R. 3238, the Public Broadcasting Amendments Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0137 Markup of H.R. 4801, To Amend the Communications Act of 1934 To Eliminate Certain Provisions Relating to Consolidations or Mergers of Telegraph and Record Carriers, and To Create a Fully Competitive Marketplace in Record Carriage. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0138 Markup of Public Broadcasting Legislation. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0139 Mark-Up of Rail Service Improvement Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0140 Markup on H.R. 3239. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0141 Markup on H.R. 3240. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0142 Mark-Up on H.R. 4145. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0143 Mark-Up Session. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0144 Markup : H. Con. Res. 178, Disapproving the Federal Trade Commission Trade Regulation Rule Relating to the Sale of Used Motor Vehicles. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0145 Mark-Up : H.R. 2120, the Product Liability Risk Retention Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0146 Mark-Up : H.R. 3568, a Bill To Amend the Rail Passenger Service Act To Authorize Additional Appropriations for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, and for Other Purposes; H.R. 3559, a Bill To Provide for Consolidated Rail Corporation with the Opportunity for the Corporation To Provide for Transfer of Commuter Service Presently Operated by Conrail. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0147 Toxic Substances Control Act Markup. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0148 A Joint Conference Between the House of Representatives and the United States Senate on General Health and Welfare Programs. 1
HRG-1981-HEC-0149 A Joint Conference Between the House of Representatives and the United States Senate on General Health and Welfare Programs. 1