Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1981-IIA-0109 H.R. 1281, To Provide for the Conveyance of Certain Lands in Alaska Comprising Trade and Trade Manufacturing Site A-056802 Without Regard to the 80-Rod Limitation Provided by Existing Law (H.R. 4538, 96th Cong.) 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0110 H.R. 9 - To Designate Components of the National Wilderness Preservation System in the State of Florida (H.R. 5341, 96th Cong.) "Appalachicola and Osceola Wilderness Act of 1981". 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0111 Roll Call Vote on H.R. 4230. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0112 Markup Session - H.R. 3447, a Bill To Authorize Appropriations to the Department of Energy for Civilian Programs for Fiscal Year 1982 and Fiscal Year 1983. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0113 Markup Session - H.R. 5118, To Provide Water to the Papago Tribe of Arizona and Its Members, to Settle Papago Indian Water Rights in Portions of the Papago Reservations. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0114 H.R. 3236, Energy Mobilization Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0115 Markup Session, Nuclear Waste Management Legislation : H.R. 3809, To Provide for Repositories for the Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste, Transuranic Waste, and Spent Nuclear Fuel, To Amend Provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 Relating to Low-Level Waste, To Modify the Price-Anderson Provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Certain Other Provisions Pertaining to Facility Licensing and Safety, and for Other Purposes; and Related Bills, H.R. 1993, H.R. 2800, H.R. 2881, and H.R. 4106. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0116 Mark-Up of H.R. 4230. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0118 Markup Session - H.R. 3809, To Provide for Repositories for the Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste, Transuranic Waste, and Spent Nuclear Fuel, To Amend Provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 Relating to Low-Level Waste, To Modify the Price-Anderson Provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and Certain Other Provisions Pertaining to Facility Licensing and Safety. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0119 Markup Session - Consideration of S.J. Res. 136. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0120 Markup of H.R. 2330 : Authorization of Appropriations for Fiscal Years 1982 and 1983. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0121 Executive Session - Organizational Meeting. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0123 H.R. 3432 - Water Resources Development Act of 1974. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0124 Markup Session : H.R. 3432 - Amend Water Resources Development Act of 1974. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0125 H.R. 1333 (Mr. Lewis) and S. 875 : To Authorize the Generation of Electrical Power at Palo Verde Irrigation District Diversion Dam, California. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0126 Markup Session - H.R. 1333 (Mr. Lewis) and S. 875 : To Authorize the Generation of Electrical Power at Palo Verde Irrigation District Diversion Dam, California. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0127 Markup Session, Nuclear Waste Management Legislation : H.R. 3809, Atomic Energy Act Amendments of 1981, and Related Bills : H.R. 1993, H.R. 2800, H.R. 2840, H.R. 2881 and H.R. 4106. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0128 Mark-Up of H.R. 3809, the Atomic Energy Act Amendments of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0129 Markup Session - H.R. 3809, Atomic Energy Act Amendments of 1981 (Title I - Amendments Relating Primarily to Radioactive Waste) 1
HRG-1981-IIA-0130 Mark-Up Session of H.R. 3809, Atomic Energy Act Amendments of 1981 (Title I) - Amendments Relating to Waste. 1