Call Number (LC) Title Results
HRG-1981-RUH-0008 H.R. 4035 and H.R. 4034. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0009 H.R. 4995, H.R. 2559 and H. Con. Res. 220. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0010 H. Con. Res. 230 and S.J. Res. 115, Emergency Meeting. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0011 H.R. 4119 and H.R. 4120. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0012 H.R. 3518, H.R. 1520, H.R. 1979, H.R. 4144. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0013 Reconciliation Conference Report on the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0014 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0015 H. Res. 251. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0016 H.R. 3413, H.R. 2614, H.R. 3023, and H.R. 3481. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0017 H.R. 1257, H.R. 3380, H.R. 3519. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0018 H.R. 4209, H.R. 4168, H.R. 3275. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0019 Pending Business : H.R. 4241, H.R. 2330, H.R. 3136. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0020 H.R. 3603 and H.R. 4437. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0021 H. Res. 115, Funding for Committees. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0022 H.R. 3112, Voting Rights Extension Act of 1981; H.R. 4, Intelligence Identities Protection Act; H.R. 3210, Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1981; H.R. 3377, Authorization of Appropriations for the John F. Kennedy Center. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0023 H. Con. Res. 115 : First Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 1982. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0024 H.J. Res. 357, Appropriations; H.J. Res. 349, Foreign Affairs; S. 815, Armed Services. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0025 H.R. 3566, International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1981; H.R. 4559, Foreign Assistance Appropriations Bill, 1981; H.R. 4481, Justice Assistance Act of 1981; H.R. 4700, Standby Petroleum Emergency Authority Act of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0026 H.R. 3403 : Hazardous Materials Transportation Act Amendments of 1981. 1
HRG-1981-RUH-0027 H.R. 1553 : Public Debt Limit. 1