Implementation of the United States/Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, March 3, 1987. |
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Capital budgeting hearing before the Subcommittee on Economic Development of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, December 8, 9, 1987. |
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Aviation safety (improving the detection and dissemination of severe weather information to pilots) : hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, June 30, 1987. |
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Air traffic controller staffing standards hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, November 18, 1987. |
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Examining circumstances surrounding the 1981 firings of air traffic controllers at the Chicago Air Route Traffic Control Center hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, March 10, 11, 1987 at Washington, DC; and September 14, 1987 at Chicago, IL. |
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Airline maintenance practices hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, October 20 and 21, 1987. |
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Status of the rehabilitation of Eisenhower and Snell locks, St. Lawrence Seaway hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, December 3, 1987. |
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Proposals to amend the organizational structure of the Tennessee Valley Authority hearings before the Subcommittee on Water Resources of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, December 8 and 9, 1987. |
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Bridge safety hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, December 1, 2, 1987. |
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Senate campaign finance proposals of 1987 hearings before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, One hundredth Congress, first session on S. 2 ... S. 50 ... S 179 ... S. 207 ... S. 615 ... S. 625 ... S. 725 ... amendment no. 36 (to S. 2) ... March 5 and 18, April 22 and 23, 1987. |
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Captioning of television broadcasts from the Senate chamber hearing before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, first session, on the feasibility of providing captioning for the hearing impaired of television broadcasts from the Senate chamber, October 21, 1987. |
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Nomination of James H. Billington to be Librarian of Congress hearing before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, first session ... July 14, 1987. |
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Hearings on Senate Committees' Budgets. |
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Hearings on Senate Committee's Budgets. |
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Organizational Meeting : Legislative and Administrative Business. |
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Business Meeting. |
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Business Meeting. |
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Executive, Legislative, and Administrative Business. |
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Hearing To Receive Testimony from the Architect of the Capitol on Alternatives to the Proposal To Replace the Senate Subway System. |
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Hearing To Receive Testimony on Proposals To Amend the Standing Rules of the Senate. |
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